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2002-08-23 00:00:00 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:admin 我要投稿

[TMaRdy00] "You want a piece of me, boy?"
[TMaDth00] [death]
[TMaDth01] [death]
[TMaPss00] We gotta move!
[TMaPss01] Are you gonna give me orders?
[TMaPss02] Oh my god! He's whacked!
[TMaPss03] I vote we frag this commander.
[TMaPss04] How do I get out of this chicken *BEEP* outfit?!
- Communications Technician Private W. Hudson, Aliens
[TMaPss05] You want a piece of me, boy?
[TMaPss06] If it weren't for these damned neural implants you'd be a smoldering crater by now!
[tmaSti00] Ahh...That's the stuff!
[tmaSti01] Ahh...Yea!
[TMaWht00] Commander.
[TMaWht01] Standin' by.
[TMaWht02] Checked up and good to go.
[TMaWht03] Give me something to shoot.
[TMaYes00] Gogogo!
[TMaYes01] Let's move!
[TMaYes02] Outstanding!
[TMaYes03] Rock 'n roll!

[tfbRdy00] Need a light?
[TFbDth00] [death]
[TFbDth01] [death]
[TFbDth02] [death]
[tfbFir00] [flame]
[tfbFir01] [flame]
[tfbPss00] Is something burning?
[tfbPss01] Haha, that's what I thought.
[tfbPss02] I love the smell of napalm.
- Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
[tfbPss03] Nothing like a good smoke!
[tfbPss04] Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?
[tfbPss05] Got any questions about propane?
- Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[tfbPss06] Or, propane accessories?
- Hank Hill, King of the Hill
[tfbWht00] Fire it up!
[tfbWht01] Yes?
[tfbWht02] You got my attention.
[tfbWht03] Wanna turn up the heat?
[tfbYes00] Naturally.
[tfbYes01] Slammin!
[tfbYes02] You've got it.
[tfbYes03] Let's burn.

[tghrdy00] Somebody called for an exterminator?
[TGhDth00] [death]
[TGhDth01] [death]
[TGhLas00] [laser]
[TGhLkd00] [lockdown]
[tghpss00] You called down the thunder.
[tghpss01] Now reap the whirlwind.
[tghpss02] Keep it up! I dare ya.
[tghpss03] I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors.
[tghwht00] Ghost reporting.
[tghwht01] I'm here.
[tghwht02] Finally!
[tghwht03] Call the shot.
[tghyes00] I hear that.
[tghyes01] I'm gone.
[tghyes02] Never know what hit em.
[tghyes03] I'm all over it.

[tvurdy00] All right, bring it on!
[TVuDth00] [death]
[TVuMin00] [mine]
[TVuMin01] [mine]
[tvupss00] Something you wanted?
[tvupss01] I don't have time to f*BEEP* around!
[tvupss02] You keep pushing it boy.
[tvupss03] And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!
[TVuWht00] What do YOU want?
[tvuwht01] Yeah?
[tvuwht02] I read ya, SIR.
[tvuwht03] Somethin' on your mind?
[tvuyes00] Yeah, I'm going.
[tvuyes01] I dig.
[tvuyes02] No problem!
[tvuyes03] Oh, is that it?

[TGoRdy00] Goliath online.
[TGoDth00] [death]
[TGoPss00] MilSpec ED-209 online.
- ED-209, Robocop
[TGoPss01] Checklist protocol initiated.
[TGoPss02] Primary ? level one diagnostic...
[TGoPss03] USDA Selected.
[TGoPss04] FDIC approved.
[TGoPss05] Checklist Completed. SOB.
[TGoWht00] Go ahead tac-com.
[TGoWht01] Com-link online.
[TGoWht02] Channel open.
[TGoWht03] Systems functional.
[TGoYes00] Acknowledged HQ.
[TGoYes01] Nav-com locked.
[TGoYes02] Confirmed.
[TGoYes03] Target designated.

Siege Tank
[ttardy00] Ready to roll out!
[TTaDth00] [death]
[ttapss00] *Singing the tune of "Ride of the Valkyries"*
[ttapss01] I'm about to drop the hammer!
[ttapss02] And dispense some indiscriminate justice!
[ttapss03] What is your major malfunction?
- Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket
[ttatra00] [siege]
[ttatra01] [siege]
[ttawht00] Yes sir!
[ttawht01] Destination?
[ttawht02] Identify target!
[ttawht03] Orders sir!
[ttayes00] Move it!
[ttayes01] Proceedin'.
[ttayes02] Delighted to, sir!
[ttayes03] Absolutely!

[TSCRdy00] SCV, good to go, sir.
[EDrRep00] [repair]
[EDrRep01] [repair]
[EDrRep02] [repair]
[EDrRep03] [repair]
[EDrRep04] [repair]
[TSCDth00] [death]
[TSCErr00] I can't build it, something's in the way.
[TSCErr01] I can't build there.
[TSCMin00] [mine]
[TSCMin01] [mine]
[TSCPss00] Come again, Captain?
[TSCPss01] I'm not readin' you clearly.
[TSCPss02] You ain't from around here, are you?
[TSCPss03] I can't believe they put me in one of these things!
[TSCPss04] And now I gotta put up with this too?
[TSCPss05] I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!
[TSCPss06] I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight.
[TSCTra00] ?

[TDrRdy00] Can I take your order?
[TDrDth00] [death]
[TDrPss00] When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
[TDrPss01] In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device.
[TDrPss02] To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
[TDrPss03] Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop.
[TDrWht00] Go ahead, HQ.
[TDrWht01] I'm listenin'.
[TDrWht02] Destination?
[TDrWht03] Input coordinates.
[TDrYes00] In the pipe, five by five.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes01] Hang on, we're in for some chop.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TDrYes02] In transit, HQ.
[TDrYes03] Buckle up!
[TDrYes04] Strap yourselves in boys!
[TDrYes05] I copy that.

[TPhRdy00] Wraith awaiting launch orders.
[TPhClo00] [cloak]
[TPhClo01] [cloak]
[TPhDth00] [death]
[TPhPss00] Last transmission breakin' up...come back...
[TPhPss01] I'm just curious...why am I so good?
- Comedian Ken Dodd
[TPhPss02] I gotta get me one of these.
- Steven "Eagle" Hiller, Independence Day
[TPhPss03] You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?
[TPhPss04] Yours truly.
[TPhPss05] Everybody gotta die sometime, Red.
- Staff Sergeant Bob Barnes, Platoon
[TPhPss06] I am the invincible, that's right.
[TPhWht00] Go ahead commander.
[TPhWht01] Transmit coordinates.
[TPhWht02] Standin' by.
- Drop Ship Pilot Corporal C. Ferro, Aliens
[TPhWht03] Reporting in.
[TPhYes00] Coordinates received.
[TPhYes01] Attack formation.
[TPhYes02] Roger.
[TPhYes03] Vector locked-in.

[tbardy00] Battlecruiser operational.
[TBaDth00] [death]
[tbapss00] Identify yourself!
[tbapss01] Shields up! Weapons online!
[tbapss02] Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!
[tbapss03] We are getting WAY behind schedule.
[tbapss04] I really have to go...number one.
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[tbawht00] Battlecruiser reporting.
[tbawht01] Receiving transmission.
[tbawht02] Good day, commander.
[tbawht03] Hailing frequencies open.
- Commander Nyota Uhura, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
[TBaYam01] [yamato]
[TBaYam02] [yamato]
[tbayes00] Make it happen.
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation
[tbayes01] Set a course.
[tbayes02] Take it slow.
[tbayes03] Engage!
- Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Science Vessel
[TVeRdy00] Explorer reporting.
[TVeDef00] [matrix]
[TVeDth00] [death]
[TVeIrr00] [Irradiate]
[tvepss00] I like the cut of your jib!
- Mr. Burns, The Simpsons [1F04]
[tvepss01] E=MC...d'oh let me get my notepad.
[tvepss02] Ah, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that.
[tvepss03] Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?
[tvepss04] I think we may have a gas leak!
[tvepss05] Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?
[tvepss06] Ah...the ship.... out of danger?
- Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
[tvewht00] Ah, greetings command!
[tvewht01] Transmit orders.
[tvewht02] Receiving headquarters!
[tvewht03] We have you on visual.
[tveyes00] Let's roll!
[tveyes01] Excellent!
- Mr. Burns, The Simpsons
[tveyes02] Commencing!
[tveyes03] Affirmative, sir.

[TMdRdy00] Prepped and ready!
[Miopia1] [?]
[TMdDth00] [death]
[TMdPss00] I've already checked you out commander.
[TMdPss01] You want another physical?
[TMdPss02] Turn your head an cough.
[TMdPss03] Ready for your sponge bath?
[TMdPss04] His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!
- EKG: electrocardiogram/electrocardiograph
- defib: an electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart
[TMdPss05] Clear! *bzzz*
[TMdPss06] He's dead, Jim.
- Cmdr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, M.D., Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
[TMdWht00] Need medical attention?
[TMdWht01] Did someone page me?
[TMdWht02] State the nature of your medical emergency!
- Emergency Medical Hologram v1.0, Star Trek: Voyager
[TMdWht03] Where does it hurt?
[TMdYes00] Right away!
[TMdYes01] Stat!
[TMdYes02] I'm on the job!
[TMdYes03] On my way.
[TmedCure] [restoration]
[TmedCure2] [restoration]
[TMedflsh] [optic flare]
[Tmedheal] [heal]
[Tmedheal2] [heal]
[TMedRest] [rest]
[Tmedrest1] [rest]

[TVkRdy00] Valkyrie prepared.
[TVkDth00] [death]
[TVkPss00] This is very interesting...but stupid.
- Arte Johnson, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In
[TVkPss01] I have ways of blowing things up.
[TVkPss02] You're being very naughty.
[TVkPss03] Who's your mommy?
[TVkPss04] Blucher!
- Frau Blucher, Young Frankenstein
[TVkPss05] [horses neighing]
- Young Frankensten
[TVkWht00] Need something destroyed?
[TVkWht01] I am eager to help.
[TVkWht02] Don't keep me waiting.
[TVkWht03] Achtung!
- German for "Attention!"
[TVkYes00] Of course my dear.
[TVkYes01] Perfect!
[TVkYes02] It's showtime!
[TVkYes03] Jawoll!
- German for "Alright!"
[TVkYes04] Achtung!
- German for "Attention!"

[TCVRdy00] Hey, how'd I get here?
[TCvDth00] [death]
[TCvPss00] I wanna be all I can be!
- USA Army slogan
[TCvPss01] I tell you what. I think I'll join up!
[TCvPss02] I'm a little claustrophobic though.
[TCvPss03] Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces.
[TCVPss04] Ah, what the hell. I need that college money.
[TCvWht00] Hey there.
[TCvWht01] How ya'll doing?
[TCvWht02] What's up?
[TCvWht03] Howdy.
[TCvYes00] I'm goin'.
[TCvYes01] No sweat.
[TCvYes02] Yup.
[TCvYes03] All right.
[TCVYes04] Sure thing.

[tadErr00] Not enough minerals.
[tadErr01] Insufficient vespene gas.
[tadErr02] Additional supply depots required.
[tadErr03] Landing sequence interrupted.
[tadErr04] Inacceptable landing zone.
[TAdErr06] Not enough energy.
[tadUpd00] Base is under attack.
[tadUpd01] Your forces are under attack.
[tadUpd02] Research complete.
[tadUpd03] Add-on complete.
[tadUPD04] Nuclear launch detected.
[tadUPD05] Abandoning auxilorary structure.
[tadUPD06] Upgrade complete.
[TAdUpd07] Nuclear missile ready.


[pzeRdy00] My life for Aiur!
[pzeAtt00] [attack grunt]
[pzeAtt01] [attack grunt]
[pzeDth00] [dies]
[pzeHit00] [psiblades]
[PZePss00] En Taro Adun!
[PZePss01] All for the Empire!
[PZePss02] Doom to all who threaten the homeworld.
[PZeRag00] [rage]
[PZeWht00] What now calls?
[PZeWht01] [Issah'Tu!]
[PZeWht02] I long for combat!
[PZeWht03] [Gee'hous!]
[PZeYes00] [Gau'gurah!]
[PZeYes01] Thus I serve!
[PZeYes02] Honor guide me!
[PZeYes03] For Adun!

[pdrRdy00] I have returned.
[pdrDth00] [death]
[PDrPss00] Unauthorized transmission.
[PDrPss01] Incorrect protocol.
[PDrPss02] *beep beep* Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply.
- ED-209, Robocop
[PDrPss03] 5,4,3,2,1 *phase shot*
[PDrWht00] Receiving.
[PDrWht01] Awaiting instructions.
[PDrWht02] Transmit.
[PDrWht03] Input command.
[PDrWht04] [Glah'sos]
[PDrWht05] [Cah'karadahs]
[PDrWht06] Make use of me.
[PDrWht07] I am needed.
[PDrYes00] Confirmed.
[PDrYes01] Initiating.
[PDrYes02] [Loch'tide]
[PDrYes03] [Meto'rah]
[PDrYes04] Commencing.
[PDrYes05] [Nagat'soon]
[PDrYes06] For vengeance.

High Templar
[pteRdy00] Khassar de Templari.
[pteDth00] [dies]
[PTeHal00] [hallucination birth]
[PTeHal01] [hallucination death]
[PTeMov00] [?]
[ptePss00] Your thoughts betray you.
- Darth Vader, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
[ptePss01] I see you have an appetite for destruction.
- Reference to Guns N Roses album
[ptePss02] And you learn to use your illusion.
- Reference to Guns N Roses album
[ptePss03] But I find your lack of control disturbing.
- Darth Vader, Star Wars: A New Hope
[PTeSto00] [storm]
[PTeSto01] [storm]
[pteSum00] [merge to archon]
[pteWht00] Your thoughts?
[pteWht01] [Saragh'ha!]
[pteWht02] I heed thy call.
[pteWht03] State thy bidding.
[pteYes00] You think as I do.
[pteYes01] It shall be done.
[pteYes02] My path is set.
[pteYes03] [Ee'tahk]

[parRdy00] The merging is complete!
[parDth00] [death]
[parMin00] ?
[parPss00] It all looks so different on this side.
- Reference to The Doors' song "Break On Through" [parPss01] Break on through!
- Reference to The Doors' song "Break On Through"
[parPss02] It's beautiful!
- Ellie Arroway, Contact
[parPss03] They should have sent a poet.
- Ellie Arroway, Contact
[parWht00] We burn!
[parWht01] We need focus!
[parWht02] [Thorasoh'cahp]
[parWht03] Power overwhelming.
[parYes00] Destroy!
[parYes01] Annihilate!
[parYes02] Obliterate!
[parYes03] Eradicate!

[PScRdy00] Teleport successful.
[PScDth00] [death]
[PScPss00] Signal unstable.
[PScPss01] Psionic Link dissipating.
[PScPss02] Adjusting neural transmission.
[PScPss03] [backwards]
[pscPss04] [...reengaged]
[PScWht00] Awaiting command.
[PScWht01] Standing by.
[PScWht02] Contact.
[PScWht03] Cho'gal
- Reference to Cho'gal, Warcraft II
[PScYes00] [Chaos]
[PScYes01] [Koh'rahk]
[PScYes02] [...acknowledged]
[PScYes03] It will be done.

[pabRdy00] Warp field stabilized.
[pabDth00] [death]
[pabPss00] We sense a soul in search of answers.
- Adria, Diablo
[pabPss01] Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
[pabPss02] We'll take that as a yes.
[pabPss03] And now for your first lesson. Hahaha.
[pabPss04] *rapid backwards talking* Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
[pabWht00] We feel your presence.
[pabWht01] Duras.
- Klingon, Star Trek
[pabWht02] [Gun Adun]
[pabWht03] We are vigilant.
[pabYes00] [In Khast'meen]
[pabYes01] [Jepahca'zoen]
[pabYes02] Gowron.
- Klingon, Star Trek

[pcaRdy00] Carrier has arrived!
[PCaDth00] [death]
[pcaDth01] [death]
[PCaPss00] Our enemies are legion!
[PCaPss01] And still you procrastinate!?
[PCaPss02] Command, or you will be relieved!
[PCaPss03] This is not an idle threat!
[PCaWht00] Instructions.
[PCaWht01] Your command?
[PCaWht02] [Loh'Klahs]
[PCaWht03] [Ischk'nu?]
[PCaYes00] Commencing.
[PCaYes01] [Kokal'tulah]
[PCaYes02] [Gau'ju]
[PCaYes03] Affirmative.

[PWiRdy00] [birth]
[PWiDth00] [death]
[pwiDth01] [death]
[pwiPss00] I sense a soul in search of answers.
- Adria, Diablo
[pwiPss01] It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom!
- Griswold, Diablo
[pwiPss02] One small step for man, one giant...[static]...STOP POKING ME!
- Orc, Warcraft
[wiPss03] *a short clip from the hidden track in Warcraft II*
[wiPss04] Warcraft Zwei, jetzt als exklusivedition mit dem expansion set, four boostern und zauberlehrbuch

Dark Templar
[PDtRdy00] Adun Toridas!
[PDTDth00] [death]
[PDTPss00] Your taunts are inadvised, Templar.
[PDTPss01] Do not provoke me to violence.
[PDTPss02] You can no more evade my wrath...
[PDTPss03] ...Than you could your own shadow.
[PDTWht00] Yes?
[PDTWht01] Zerashk gulida!
[PDTWht02] I'm waiting.
[PDTWht03] Neraz Gulio.
[PDTYes00] For Aiur.
[PDTYes01] Ner'mah!
[PDTYes02] So be it.
[PDTYes03] Very well.

[pcordy00] It is a good day to die!
- Klingon, Star Trek
[pcopss00] Look at all the pretty lights!
[pcopss01] I wonder what this button does.
[pcopss02] *sirens* I think this was a BIG mistake.
[pcopss03] [sings]
[pcopss04] [sings]
[pcopss05] Zefram Cochrane, is that you?
- Reference to Doctor Zefram Cochrane, Star Trek
[pcopss06] What did you do to your hair?
[pcorhit1] [hit]
[pcorhit2] [hit]
[pcorlasr1] [laser]
[pcorlasr2] [laser]
[pcorlasr3] [laser]
[pcorlasr4] [laser]
[pcorweb1] [web]
[pcowht00] Ready for battle!
[pcowht01] May I be of service?
[pcowht02] I stand ready.
[pcowht03] Let us attack.
[pcoyes00] Excellent!
[pcoyes01] Adun Toridas!
[pcoyes02] Ah, at last!
[pcoyes03] I thought you'd see it my way.

Dark Archon
[pdardy00] We are as one!
[pdapss00] Must consume.
[pdapss01] Or oblivion will take us.
[pdapss02] Adun, save me.
[pdapss03] Darkness overpowering!
[pdawht00] Must have energy!
[pdawht01] We hear you.
[pdawht02] Thoughts in chaos!
[pdawht03] Must feed!
[pdayes00] We'll go.
[pdayes01] Oblivion awaits!
[pdayes02] We move!
[pdayes03] [groan]

[PAdErr00] You've not enough minerals.
[PAdErr01] You require more vespene gas.
[PAdErr02] You must construct additional pylons.
[PAdErr06] Not enough energy.
[PAdUpd00] We are under attack!
[PAdUpd01] Your warriors have engaged the enemy.
[PAdUpd02] Research complete.
[PAdUpd04] Nuclear launch detected.
[PAdUpd06] Upgrade complete.


Infested Terran
[ZBgRdy00] Live for the Swarm!
[ZBgPss00] I am wretched.
[ZBgPss01] But I am strong!
[ZBgPss02] I am the future.
[ZBgPss03] I am Zerg!
[ZBgWht00] Ready to kill!
[ZBgWht01] Prepared to die!
[ZBgWht02] Let me serve!
[ZBgWht03] Sacrifice me!
[ZBgYes00] Yes!
[ZBgYes01] Immediately.
[ZBgYes02] Gladly!
[ZBgYes03] For the Overmind!

[ZAdErr00] We require more minerals.
[ZAdErr01] We require more vespene gas.
[ZAdErr02] Spawn more overlords.
[ZAdErr06] Not enough energy.
[ZAdUpd00] The hive cluster is under attack.
[ZAdUpd01] Our forces are under attack.
[ZAdUpd02] Evolution complete.
[ZAdUpd04] Nuclear launch detected.


[patpss00] Explain this odd behavior.
[patpss01] Stop poking me!
[patpss02] What do I look like, an Orc?
[patpss03] This is not Warcraft in space!
[patpss04] It's much more sophisticated!
[patpss05] I KNOW it's not 3D!
[patwht00] I am ready.
[patwht01] Direct my wrath.
[patwht02] Yes, Executor.
[patwht03] State your will.
[patyes00] For Aiur.
[patyes01] Consider it done.
[patyes02] Indeed.
[patyes03] I concur.

Fenix [Zealot]
[UFeDth00] [death]
[UFePss00] I fear no enemy!
[UFePss01] For the Khala is my strength!
[UFePss02] I fear not death.
[UFePss03] For our strength is eternal!
[UFeWht00] Executor?
[UFeWht01] Your command?
[UFeWht02] What do you ask of me?
[UFeWht03] I hunger for battle.
[UFeYes00] For Aiur.
[UFeYes01] Immediately.
[UFeYes02] [Nach nagala]
[UFeYes03] As you will!

Fenix [Dragoon]
[UFDPss00] I fear no enemy.
[UFDPss01] For Khala is my strength!
[UFDPss02] I fear not death.
[UFDPss03] For our strength is eternal.
[UFDWht00] Executor?
[UFDWht01] Your command?
[UFDWht02] What do you ask of me?
[UFDWht03] I hunger for battle!
[UFDYes00] For Aiur.
[UFDYes01] Immediately.
[UFDYes02] [Nach nagala]
[UFDYes03] As you will.

[UTCPss00] Speak quickly, Executor.
[UTCPss01] I don't have time for games.
[UTCPss02] I was Executor long before you.
[UTCPss03] So do not try my patience.
[UTCWht00] Yes, Executor?
[UTCWht01] I hear you.
[UTCWht02] How may I help?
[UTCWht03] Your will?
[UTCYes00] Of course.
[UTCYes01] It shall be done.
[UTCYes02] For Adun.
[UTCYes03] Terra Khala.

[UTaDth00] [death]
[UTaPss00] Speak quickly, Executor.
[UTaPss01] I don't have time for games.
[UTaPss02] I was Executor long before you.
[UTaPss03] So do not try my patience.
[UTaWht00] Yes, Executor?
[UTaWht01] I hear you.
[UTaWht02] How may I help?
[UTaWht03] Your will?
[UTaYes00] Of course.
[UTaYes01] It shall be done.
[UTaYes02] For Adun.
[UTaYes03] Terra Khala

[UZeDth00] [death]
[UZePss00] You have persecuted us for generations.
[UZePss01] And now you beg us to aid you?
[UZePss02] We will do what we must.
[UZePss03] But we do it for Aiur, not you.
[UZeWht00] Mm?
[UZeWht01] You address me?
[UZeWht02] Your orders, Templar?
[UZeWht03] [Khas Naradak!]
[UZeYes00] I do this for Aiur.
[UZeYes01] So be it.
[UZeYes02] It will be done.
[UZeYes03] Entaro Adun.

Norad II
[UDuDth00] [death]
[UDupss00] Been a general for fifteen years.
[UDupss01] Now I'm taking over this frill of...
[UDupss02] This Korhal outfit's a mess.
[UDupss03] Ya'll need some good old fashion discipline.
[UDupss04] That's what you need.
[UDuwht00] WHAT?
[UDuwht01] WELL?
[UDuwht02] I haven't got all day.
[UDuwht03] Make up your mind.
[UDuyes00] 'Bout time.
[UDuyes01] Decisive action.
[UDuyes02] Should work.
[UDuyes03] Alright then.

Edmund Duke [Siege Tank]
[UDTDth00] [death]
[UDTpss00] Been a general for fifteen years.
[UDTpss01] Now I'm taking over this frill of...
[UDTpss02] This Korhal outfit's a mess.
[UDTpss03] Ya'll need some good old-fashioned discipline.
[UDTPss04] That's what you need.
[UDTwht00] WHAT?
[UDTwht01] WELL?
[UDTwht02] I haven't got all day.
[UDTwht03] Make up your mind.
[UDTyes00] 'Bout time.
[UDTyes01] Decisive action.
[UDTyes02] Should work.
[UDTyes03] Alright then.

Kerrigan [Ghost]
[UKeDth00] [death]
[UKeDth01] [death]
[UKepss00] Easily amused, huh?
[UKepss01] Doesn't take a telepath to know what you're thinking.
[UKepss02] You get off on annoying people, don't you?
[UKepss03] You may have time to play games.
[UKePss04] But I've got a job to do.
[UKewht00] Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting.
[UKewht01] What now?
[UKewht02] I'm waitin' on you!
[UKewht03] I'm ready.
[UKeyes00] I gotcha.
[UKeyes01] Thinkin' the same thing.
[UKeyes02] It'd be a pleasure.
[UKeyes03] I read ya.

Kerrigan [Infested]
[UKiDth00] [death]
[UKipss00] You begin to annoy me, Cerebrate.
[UKipss01] But DON'T think that I need you.
[UKipss02] Should you become a nuisance.
[UKiPss03] I'll kill you myself.
[UKIWHT00] Yes.
[UKiwht01] [groan]
[UKiwht02] What is it now?
[UKiwht03] I'm listening.
[UKiyes00] Hm.
[UKiyes01] A bold move.
[UKiyes02] On my way.
[UKiyes03] ALL RIGHT.

Raynor [Marine]
[URaDth00] [death]
[URaDth01] [death]
[URaPss00] Hey! Quit it!
[URaPss01] What's your problem man?
[URaPss02] Look commander, do you mind?
[URaPss03] I knew I should've stayed in bed this morning.
[URaWht00] Raynor here.
[URaWht01] This is Jimmy.
[URaWht02] Anytime you're ready.
[URaWht03] Go ahead commander.
[URaYes00] Sounds fun.
[URaYes01] Right on.
[URaYes02] This should be good.
[URaYes03] Oh yea.

Raynor [Vulture]
[URVDth00] [death]
[URVpss00] Hey! Quit it!
[URVpss01] What's your problem, man?
[URVpss02] Look commander, do you mind?
[URVpss03] I knew I should've stayed in bed this morning.
[URVWht00] Raynor here.
[URVwht01] This is Jimmy.
[URVwht02] Anytime you're ready.
[URVwht03] Go ahead commander.
[URVyes00] Sounds fun.
[URVyes01] Right on.
[URVyes02] This should be good.
[URVyes03] Oh yea.

Samir Duran [Infested]
[ZDnDth00] [death]
[ZDnPss00] Is there a problem?
[ZDnPss01] I like your style, friend.
[ZDnPss02] But I think you're getting a little too familiar.
[ZDnPss03] I don't believe we've met.
[ZDnPss04] I am Duran. Who are you?
[ZDnPss05] I told you my name. It's Duran, DURAN!
[ZDnPss06] What's so funny?
[ZDnPss07] Please, please! Tell me now.
[ZDnPss08] Is there something I should know?
[ZDnWht00] How can I be of service?
[ZDnWht01] What do you need?
[ZDnWht02] I'm here.
[ZDnWht03] Cerebrate!
[ZDnYes00] I'll take care of it.
[ZDnYes01] You got it!
[ZDnYes02] Right away.
[ZDnYes03] Of course.

Samir Duran [Ghost]
Same as Samir Duran [Infested].

Gui Montag [Firebat]
Same as Firebat, except for "Need a light?"

Alan Schezar [Goliath]
Same as Goliath, except for "Goliath online."

Tom Kazansky [Wraith]
Same as Wraith, except for "Wraith awaiting launch orders."

Magellan [Science Vessel]
Same as Science Vessel, except for "Explorer reporting."

Hyperion [Battlecruiser]
Same as Raynor [Marine].

Alexei Stukov [Ghost]
Same as Ghost, except for "Somebody called for an exterminator?"

Dark Templar
Same as Dark Templar, except for "Adun Toridas."

Tassadar/Zeratul [Archon]
Same as Archon, except for "The merging is complete!"

Mojo [Scout]
Same as Scout, except for "Teleport successful."

Danimoth [Arbiter]
Same as Arbiter, except for "Warp field stabilized."

