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《家园卡拉克沙漠》远征指南翻译 剧情与历史介绍

2016-02-18 19:01:40 来源:家园2吧 作者:尼布甲尼撒2世 我要投稿









  1057年,斯叶特(S'jet)基斯召集了一次提尔戴阿米德(Daiamid)全体会议,讨论他们根据对北部沙漠流动模式的全面分析得出的结果,以及可能的毁灭性后果(原文注解:提尔的戴阿米德会议,由纳巴基斯建立,旨在各基斯开会并通过演讲辩论,讨论政策,解决分歧)。斯叶特基斯关于沙子流动和天气类型的调研还认为,保护北极地区的大屏障山脉(Great Barrier mountain range),虽然人们在过去的几个世纪都认为风沙是无法越过的,但如果不采取行动,该山脉在一百年之内将会失守。(原文注解:大屏障山脉,在太空轨道上可见,自然形成,绵延数百公里,横贯卡拉克地表,发挥隔绝风沙的天然屏障作用)。



  破风者之墙的建设耗时十年,而在此期间,加奥森基斯藏匿于赤道废土几个世纪之后,开始重新为世人所知(原文注释:Great Banded Desert,大沙海,由沙漠和岩石组成,在赤道地带温度通常达到水的沸点,很少有物种生活在该地区)。起初,加奥森的卷土重来只体现在各种贴在建筑工地的公报上,或者通过极地通讯转播的祷告演讲。但是无论通过何种方式,传递的信息是一致的:凡人基斯没有资格违抗神的意志(原文注释:The Great Maker Sajuuk,造物主萨祖克,传说中将基斯流放到卡拉克的神灵。也被称作“一手创造了一切的存在”)。如果北方继续执迷不悟,挡沙墙将会倒塌,正如萨祖卡的围墙倒塌了一样。当发现这番言论没有造成恐慌,人们不服从,加奥森基斯-萨就对北方发动了圣战,而这种状态一直持续至今。


  当然,加奥森不是唯一学习并完善了战争技巧的基斯。筑墙的人们并没有忘记过去。破风者不止是构筑屏障。初生的联盟军事部门坚持认为,这个项目所防御的应该不止是风沙,所以墙壁上嵌入了一系列的重火力点以及作为指挥中心的加固堡垒。初期这些防御设施粉碎了多次加奥森袭击,让数百名臭名昭著的“神之拳”(Fist of God)战士血洒沙场。在那之后的几个月里,相对比较和平,筑墙进度加快,完工指日可待。但是加奥森基斯-萨认识到,挡沙墙工程一旦完成,几十年内都不可能再对提尔形成威胁了。因此,他命令开展“Siifar Kor'shesh”行动——即“火焰匕首之夜”行动(the Night of Fiery Daggers)。













II. Project Stormbreaker

  The Northern Coalition and ProjectStormbreaker

  In the decades after the destruction ofSaju-Ka and Kiith Gaalsien's retreat into the desert, there was a naturaltendency for the remaining kiithid to pull together. First, they worked tochannel and settle the survivors of Saju-Ka, and later they joined in militaryco-operation against the Gaalsien raids for water and supplies.

  Over the next 350 years, as Gaalsienmarauders became little more than a bedtime story to tell children who refusedto obey their elders, the loose coalition of mutual dependencies faded intomemory… but was never totally forgotten.

  What had once been a network of emergencyco-operation became a system of trade and development links. While inter-kiithcompetition remained a factor in Kharakid society, a system of shiftingalliances based on mutual benefit became an organic part of economic andpolitical life in the north.

  This way of life made a new Coalitionpossible when a new threat reared its head that was too big for any singlekiith to handle.

  During the last triad of 1057, Kiith S'jetcalled a meeting of the full Daiamid of Tiir(The Daiamid of Tiir,Establishedby Kiith Naabal, the Daiamid is where kiithid gather to debate policy andsettle disputes through rational discourse.) to discuss theresults of their first full analysis of the northern desert flow patterns, andtheir devastating implications. Their investigation of sand flow and weatherpatterns revealed that the Great Barrier mountain range(GreatBarrier Mountain Range,Visible from orbit, this natural formation spans hundreds ofkilometers across the surface of Kharak, acting as a natural sand baffle) thatprotected the northern polar region, which had seemed insurmountable to stormand sand for centuries, would be overwhelmed within a hundred years unlesssomething changed.

  The necessary change was brought about bythe combined power of the Northern kiithid in the form of building a giantridge of sand baffle walls, a full kilometer wide, girdling the entire lowerface of the Barrier Mountains. Project Stormbreaker was a wall thousands ofkilometers long, designed to save civilization in the North.

  Architectural planning and system designwas provided by Kiith S'jet, while Naabal returned to the forefront of Daiamidpolitics to provide the engineering expertise for such a massive project. Hraalindustrial know-how and construction equipment produced and placed the massiveprefabricated sections. Kiith Somtaaw doubled their mining output for theentire duration of the project in order to keep the Hraal factories supplied,and Siidim Legionnaires provided security to the endless stream of convoys.Manaan money and statesmanship kept the project moving forward, despite thetensions between its member kiithid, and all the things that could go wrong.

  The Stormbreaker wall took nearly a decadeto complete, and during that time, Kiith Gaalsien began to make itself knownagain after centuries of hiding in the equatorial wastes(Great Banded Desert,Temperaturesin the equatorial band regularly reach the boiling point of water. Comprised ofdesert sand and rock, few species live there). At first, their return wasmarked only by communiques plastered all over construction sites and prayerspeeches tight-cast from the wastes into the polar comm relays. But no matterwhat the medium, the message was the same: mortal kiithid had no right ormandate to oppose God's will(The Great Maker Sajuuk,The deity that was said to have cast down the kiithid to Kharak.Also known as "He Whose Hand Shapes What Is."). If theNorth continued on this path, then this wall would fall, just as the one aroundSaju-Ka had once fallen. When words failed to inspire fear and obedience, theGaalsien Kiith-Sa declared holy war against the North, a state of affairs whichcontinues to this very day.

  Small raids began against constructionsites. From an historical viewpoint, it is clear that the Gaalsien wereperfecting their modern military tactics at the time. Learning how to inflictthe maximum amount of damage against more numerous but scattered enemies wastheir goal. Strikes became more ambitious over time, and caused more seriousdisruption to the construction schedule(Project StormbreakerSetbacks,Gaalsien pressure ultimately resulted in the use of weaker materialsin certain sections of the Wall to reach the targeted completion date). Everytriad, the sands flowed higher and faster.

  Of course, the Gaalsien were not the onlykiith learning and perfecting their warcraft. The wall builders had notforgotten the past. Stormbreaker was more than towering baffles and redirectionnets. The fledgling alliance military branches had insisted that the projectdefend against more than sandstorms, and the Wall was fitted with a series ofnested firebases and fortified command centers. The early activation of thesedefensive structures shattered a dozen Gaalsien raids and left hundreds of theirinfamous "Fist of God" warriors dead on the sand. For months after,there was peace, and the Wall sped towards completion... but the Gaalsien-Sa atthe time could see that if the Wall were completed, it would break any chanceof threatening Tiir for decades. For this reason, he ordered a full commitmentto "Siifar Kor'shesh": the Night of Fiery Daggers.

  On the first night of the year 1074, tenthousand Gaalsien Fists hit the twin gate wall forts guarding the main accessvalley to the interior, hoping to raze them and drive on into the rich landsbeyond. The Guardian forts were still incomplete, but manned by 500 warriorsand another 600 technicians and laborers.

  Withering cross-fire took down the fanaticsby the hundreds, but as the night passed, the Northern defenders were slowlywhittled away. By the first ripples of dawn, the fighting had entered the maingates. The last of the Siidim warriors fought and died side by side with S'jettechnicians and Hraal laborers who bravely sacrificed themselves to hold theirposition.

  When the last of the Gaalsien reserves hadbeen called into the breach, it was finally time for Naabal-Sa to give theorder to close the trap.

  One signal echoed out from the comm towersof the gate.

  "Bring the Red"

  And with that, two full legions of Sobanimercenaries rose up from the desert floor and broke the Gaalsien army againstthe stones of the gate. The Naabal had spent many lives to lure them in andmake sure the Gaalsien would be stripped of their army for a full generation…and it had worked.

  Stormbreaker held, and the NorthernCoalition was anchored in stone.

  The world had changed yet again.



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