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魔兽世界: Drakedog迷请进-.-!!

发布时间: [2006-8-15]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com



                         Drakedog back in WOW ?

楼主gacd :is he back?

            We discuss,we confuse,we want to know the real news~

                  He‘s Back

                 That would be soo great

                 I hope that he continuing with warlock

四楼帅哥Dolmord:http://voe.x-y.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2684 (DD以前在Alx PvP一小段视频.)

五楼帅哥Massacre1189:Hes back, but why the weak gear? Did he remake his character from scratch?

六楼帅哥Madock: 인용(引用): Hes back, but why the weak gear? Did he remake his character from scratch?

he deleted his best gear, and it costs alot of money to buy new gear, even reputationear and pvp-gear.. but i dont thin it will take long before he is as good as new(old?). =P

七楼帅哥Massacre1189:Put blizz can restore your gear along with your char, I know, ive done it before.

But yeh, welcome back Drakedog ^_^

八楼帅哥hunterek:yay wb drake:)

九楼帅哥Dolmord:Dear friends, he has reputation gear already (arathi basin and stuff) and they are raiding to get some gear. He will be epix geared again in notime at all

十楼帅哥hunterek:lol he can own every1 even naked ^^

十一楼帅哥gacd:Thanks, Dolmord~

The movies is great~~~

十二楼帅哥Korruption:woot! welcome back DD, can we expect a new video sometime in the future?

十三楼帅哥Sylvictus:I have been away without a computer for some time now, this is great stuff.

十四楼帅哥Dolmord: Im on vacation now,well kinda tho...

十五楼帅哥손님:omg DD is back? fuckin sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

make DD 6

十五楼帅哥Daimon: 인용(引用):

I have been away without a computer for some time now, this is great stuff.

You‘re still alive?
It will be hard time without WoW

Daimon:yea, but that was long ago.
Now he is back.

通过以上的对话可以看出DrakeDog并没有完全离开Wow..嗯,其实DD迷懂e文的完全可以通过Msn给他交流,DDe文还可以噢-.-!!   DD Msn:kniv_z@hotmail.com...  其实在EE官方网站上面有很多咱们中国玩家给DD留言...-.-!! 

先整理这些吧,如果有需要EE官方网站音乐下载地址的可以去我Msn空间,我的Msn spaces:http://kingcrazylove.spaces.live.com... 



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