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发布时间: [2008-7-11]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com



盗贼多了2个新技能:缴械的增强版?以及一个aoe技能,war3里的Fan of Knives(名称就不用我来定了)



    伏击(等级10),需要等级80。伏击目标,对目标造成275%的武器伤害+335 。(未定)

Ambush the target, causing 275% weapon damage plus 335 to the target. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Requires a dagger in the main hand. Awards 1 combo point.

Garrote the enemy, silencing them for 3 sec causing 1290 damage over 18 sec, increased by attack power. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.

Instantly attacks with both weapons for an additional 181 with each weapon. Damage is increased by 50% against Poisoned targets. Must be behind the target. Awards 2 combo points.

剔骨(等级12),需要等级79。根据连击点造成伤害,1点:[497 + AP * 0.03]-[751 + AP * 0.07];2点: [867 + AP * 0.06]-[1121 + AP * 0.14] ;3点:[1237 + AP * 0.09]-[1491 + AP * 0.21];4点:[1607 + AP * 0.12]-[1861 + AP * 0.28];5点:[1977 + AP * 0.15]-[2231 + AP * 0.35]。
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: 1 point : [497 + AP * 0.03]-[751 + AP * 0.07] damage 2 points: [867 + AP * 0.06]-[1121 + AP * 0.14] damage 3 points: [1237 + AP * 0.09]-[1491 + AP * 0.21] damage 4 points: [1607 + AP * 0.12]-[1861 + AP * 0.28] damage 5 points: [1977 + AP * 0.15]-[2231 + AP * 0.35] damage

Finishing move that causes damage over time, increased by your attack power. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 324 damage over 8 secs 2 points: 460 damage over 10 secs 3 points: 618 damage over 12 secs 4 points: 798 damage over 14 secs 5 points: 1000 damage over 16 secs

Finishing move that exposes the target for 30 sec, reducing armor per combo point: 1 point : 560 armor 2 points: 1120 armor 3 points: 1680 armor 4 points: 2240 armor 5 points: 2800 armor

致死投掷(等级3),需要等级76。终结技能,降低目标50%的移动速度,持续6秒,并造成相应的伤害。1点:[350 + rwb] - [386 + RWB];2点:[574 + rwb] - [610 + RWB];3点:[798 + rwb] - [834 + RWB];4点: [1022 + rwb] - [1058 + RWB];5点:[1246 + rwb] - [1282 + RWB]。【译者注:感谢3楼伊秀塔儿:rwb是投掷武器下限,同理,RWB是投掷武器上限 】
Finishing move that reduces the movement of the target by 50% for 6 sec and causes increased thrown weapon damage: 1 point : [350 + rwb] - [386 + RWB] damage 2 points: [574 + rwb] - [610 + RWB] damage 3 points: [798 + rwb] - [834 + RWB] damage 4 points: [1022 + rwb] - [1058 + RWB] damage 5 points: [1246 + rwb] - [1282 + RWB] damage

Ambush the target, causing 275% weapon damage plus 335 to the target. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Requires a dagger in the main hand. Awards 1 combo point.

Disarm the enemy, removing all weapons, shield or other equipment carried for 10 sec.

Garrote the enemy, silencing them for 3 sec causing 1092 damage over 18 sec, increased by attack power. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.

Instantly attacks with both weapons for an additional 153 with each weapon. Damage is increased by 50% against Poisoned targets. Must be behind the target. Awards 2 combo points.

Finishing move that causes damage over time, increased by your attack power. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 324 damage over 8 secs 2 points: 460 damage over 10 secs 3 points: 618 damage over 12 secs 4 points: 798 damage over 14 secs 5 points: 1000 damage over 16 secs

剔骨(等级11),需要等级73。根据连击点造成伤害,1点:[405 + AP * 0.03]-[613 + AP * 0.03];2点: [706 + AP * 0.06]-[914 + AP * 0.06] ;3点: [1007 + AP * 0.09]-[1215 + AP * 0.09] ;4点:[1308 + AP * 0.12]-[1516 + AP * 0.12];5点: [1609 + AP * 0.15]-[1817 + AP * 0.15] 。
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: 1 point : [405 + AP * 0.03]-[613 + AP * 0.03] damage 2 points: [706 + AP * 0.06]-[914 + AP * 0.06] damage 3 points: [1007 + AP * 0.09]-[1215 + AP * 0.09] damage 4 points: [1308 + AP * 0.12]-[1516 + AP * 0.12] damage 5 points: [1609 + AP * 0.15]-[1817 + AP * 0.15] damage


Backstab the target, causing 150% weapon damage plus 255 to the target. Must be behind the target. Requires a dagger in the main hand. Awards 1 combo point.

Fan of Knives,需要等级80。立即投掷2把武器,对8码内所有目标造成100%的武器伤害。
Instantly throw both weapons at all targets within 8 yards, causing 100% weapon damage.

An instant strike that causes 180 damage in addition to your normal weapon damage. Awards 1 combo point.

Performs a feint, causing no damage but lowering your threat by a large amount, making the enemy less likely to attack you.

An instant strike that causes 150 damage in addition to your normal weapon damage. Awards 1 combo point.

Backstab the target, causing 150% weapon damage plus 255 to the target. Must be behind the target. Requires a dagger in the main hand. Awards 1 combo point.


Performs a feint, causing no damage but lowering your threat by a large amount, making the enemy less likely to attack you.


An instant strike that deals 110% weapon damage and causes the target to hemorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 75. Lasts 10 charges or 15 sec. Awards 1 combo point.


Incapacitates the target for up to 45 sec. Must be stealthed. Only works on Humanoids, Beasts, Demons and Dragonkin that are not in combat. Any damage caused will revive the target. Only 1 target may be sapped at a time.

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