处理 SSI 文件时出错
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发布时间: [2008-11-6]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com


  ARMOR 护甲方面

  We are changing the way bear armor works so that bonus armor on items does not receive the bear armor multiplier. Specifically this means that trinkets, rings, necks and cloaks with bonus armor will not be multiplied by the bear bonus. The normal armor on leather will still be multiplied by this bonus. We are also going to remove bonus armor from Feral staves. You’ll get your bonus armor from the leather you acquire.

  我们将改变德鲁伊护甲奖励的作用方式。 德鲁伊在变熊后,戒指,项链,饰品,披风上的护甲值不算在护甲值的奖励内(就是不乘360%了...),但是皮甲上的护甲值仍然可以得到加成。 另外, 野性法杖上面的护甲也不受变身后的护甲加成影响。

  Examples: 举例

  1) A ring that grants 100 bonus armor will now grant a bear 100 armor (not ~470 armor).

  一个有着100护甲的戒指现在只增加100护甲而不是470护甲(不管 你变不变熊)

  2) Leather legs with 253 armor will still grant a bear ~1190 armor (not 253 armor).


  3) A feral staff will now grant 0 armor.

  野性法杖不再增加护甲值 (跟上面好像有点出入)

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处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错