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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2007年08月22日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  游戏MOD
文件大小  20.00 MB
推介等级  ★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  



  Great news guys! The Inquisition: Daemonhunt Mod Team has released a new patch for the very popular & excellent mod. It fixes a few bugs & balances the game more. Check out the post below for more info. The patch can be downloaded from FileFront from the link below.

  The patch will be available to download from DoWFiles very soon & I will amend this news post when it does.



  Inquisition Daemonhunt patch is out.


  Our patch for the Inquisition Daemonhunt is out.

  It fixes small bugs and improves gameplay balance, based on the feedback we received from the community.

  Basically, we nerfed the Daemonhunters in Tier 1, nerfed the Exterminatus, and buffed somewhat the Grey Knights.

  We didn't add custom voices yet, because they are just not ready yet, but this will be for a future patch.

  The mod can be downloaded from Filefront

  With over 90 000 downloads, publication in Germany's Gamestar games magazine, and the upcoming publication in Australia's PCPowerplay magazine, we feel that this mod can be called a success.

  This really is a joy for all of us who spent a lot of time on it, and we would like to thank you all, the community members, for your constant support.

  Compiler, mod leader


  Added Hotkeys

  Ucs errors when using Heroes fixed.

  Spelling error in the main menu fixed

  GK teleporter : fixed weapon upgrade, fixed lascannon fire.

  Fixed the problem with the Crusader's gunner's eyes.

  Acolyte's footprints in snow are now oriented normally.

  Dreadnought's melee animations changed a little.

  Fixed DD multimelta firing.

  Fixed the Stormtroopers grenade launcher firing animation.

  Fixed Deathwatch Veterans vortex grenade animation.

  Made the Emperor's wrath aura more apparent.

  Fixed the animation for the chimera : the lasguns now fire in the same way as the IG chimera.

  Fixed the sliding of troopers when they were capturing a strategic point.

  Increased slightly the crakled area around each building.

  Improved the multimelta impact fx.

  Improved the Heavy Plasma Gun fx.

  Fixed multilaser chimera fx effect.

  Tweaked the size of the units to limit range problems with beam weapons and projectiles.

  Edited GK and GK termies formation.

  Fixed the Autumn Leaves map

  Fixed Crimson Spires map.

  Added camera changes allowing to zoom out more, for people using high graphics (for those not using high graphics, I thought their computers would not handle the extre strain).

  Updated AI fixing the multiplayer problem.

  Changed tool tips for Domus Astra Telepatica : it doesn't lead you into thinking you need it to call the Grey Knights any more.

  Assault Dreadnoughts don't heal themselves anymore and can be repaired normally.

  Assault dreadnought : slightly increased hit points.

  Support dreadnought : assault cannon's damage against vehicles lowered. Missile launcher damage lowered against heavy vehicles. Lascannon damage increased against vehicles.

  Support dreadnought : Hit Points increased after the Ultimate forces research has been completed.

  Support dreadnought : hard capped to 3.

  GK commander Purge ability : damage reduced

  GK commander : Purge and Purify ability should work as indicated by the tooltips (purge = damage, purify = small damage + incapacitates the enemy).

  GK commander : hit points and regeneration increased.

  Increased GK and Termie GK hit points.

  Increased GK and GK Termie cost.

  Increased slightly the GK's incinerator range.

  Lowered GK's stormbolters' damage against heavy armour.

  Increased Hurricane's damage against infantry.

  Lowered damage done by the Brother Captain's Nemesis ability.

  Psycannons' damage against commanders lowered.

  GK teleporter : added a delay before troops which have entered the building from the outside can be teleported.

  Generators' cost : each generator slightly increases the cost of the next one.

  Domus Astra Telepatica : hard capped to 2 per HQ.

  Inquisitor Lord. Hit points slightly decreased, regeneration rate increased. The Medikit research now gives a bonus to the Inquisitor Lord's health.

  Inquisitor Lord's banish ability's damage reduced against medium monsters and commanders.

  Acolyte health bonus to the Inquisitor Lord and morale bonus to the bodyguards don't stack anymore.

  Lowered Exorcist's eviscerator's damage to buildings

  Lowered Maintenance Servitors damage to infantry.

  Purification Decrees slow down effect don't stack anymore, but their individual effect is slightly increased.

  Bodyguards start at 3 basic members. Can be reinforced to 5 after Bodyguard Improvement 1 research is completed.

  Bodyguards start with a max of 2 leaders. Increased to 4 after the Bodyguard Improvement 1 research is completed.

  Bodyguards : the health bonus given by bodyguards upgrade has been slightly reduced.

  Bodyguards : capture rate has been slightly reduced.

  Added time before the stormtroopers can be deepstriked.

  Archivist : slightly increased flight speed.

  All grenades recharge time increased.

  Weapons for bodyguards and stormtroopers : increased penalty for firing while running. Grenade launcher now has a setup time (cannot be fired on the move).

  Reduced initial range of Bodyguards hellgun to that of Imperial Guard Lasguns. The first Bodyguard Upgrade research now increases this range back to what it was in v1.0.

  Exterminatus : divided the number of impact (and thus damage) by 2. Now the troops caught under the exterminatus incipio are no more unable to move. Also reduced range, recharge time and cost.

  Lowered range for Imperial Icon's zap effect.

  Rhino : slightly reduced the starting health to avoid too much abuse in Tier 1. Now the Support cap 1 research boosts a lot its health.

  Chimera : slightly increased hit points.

  Chimera : support cap 1 and 2 now boost its hit points.

  Chimera heavy flamer : lowered slightly physical damage, increased slightly morale damage.

  Maintenance servitor : slightly increased reinforcement time.

  Fixed listening post upgrade bug. Now upgrading a listening post won't give all of the lp the ability to attack.

  Support cap 1 research now requires the Tribunal add-on.


  Also a big Congratulations to Compiler & the rest of the Mod Team for all its downloads & also the great publicity it is getting in PC Magazines!!




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