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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2008年12月18日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  升级补丁
文件大小  51.00 MB
推介等级  ★★★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
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Far Cry 2
Patch v1.02

Please note that this patch can be used on both the US RETAIL (CD/DVD) version & the DOWNLOADABLE (D2D) version of the game.

STEAM users: Please wait until the patch is available through Steam.

Patch History

Changes and fixes in v1.02

General changes
- Added triple-header support to the game.
- A widescreen option has been added and can be enabled only in single player mode.

Multiplayer changes
- Fixed the direct join by IP functionality.
- Added the minimum number of players in the host options.
- Added the player's death count in the scoreboard.
- The host can now set the respawn time in Advanced options, for player matches only.
- The host can now set the starting rank of all players in the match, in Advanced options, for player matches only.
- The VIP is shown on the scoreboard, for your team only.
- The scoreboard is now displayed by the highest XP points to the lowest.
- The ping system has been improved to display a more accurate result.
- It is now possible to conduct a multiplayer match search from the map leader board.
- Fixed certain characters that weren't allowed during profile creation (- . _ ,)
- It is now possible to add a clan name to the player¡¦s name through the use_clan_tag console command.
- Players can now filter the server list using different parameters (ping, PunkBuster, game mode, dedicated, server name, number of players, ranked/unranked).
- The IEDs are now destructible by shooting on them or throwing a grenade close to them.
- In ranked matches, players can now play more than one match on the same host.
- Added quickmatch to the map download screen. It will matchmake on the selected map.
- The distance from a wounded teammate is now displayed.
- The host can now select a VIP before starting the match.
- It is now possible to use the use_clan_tag command.
- Fixed a bug with clan tag and multiple clients
- Multiplayer: Minimum players numbers default setting is now 4
- Fixed some unrepresentative text in the scoreboard.
- Added text to display distance when teamate is down
- Fix a freeze issue in match list if the player press ESC after trying to enter in a match with a password.

孤岛惊魂2 专区


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