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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2009年01月13日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  游戏工具
文件大小  0 KB
推介等级  ★★★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  



1) Time of day settings: here you can set desired time of day - so dont need to carry about mission timeouts and also you can get directly to the dusk/dawn time to watch game's sunrises.

2) Weather settings: simply select the weather you like and set it! No more rain or any othe FPS and mood killer! Let it be sunshine!

3) Player coordinates: this shows your Niko's current position. I'm hardly working on this now and soon I hope you will get more interesting options here.

4) Give weapons: press this button to give Niko some weapons. Note that not all of them will appear in Niko's hands cause some of them are using the same slots. To get the specific weapon use Give weapon dropdown option described below.

5) Give ammo: refulls the ammo for all Niko's weapons.

6) Wanted level: this option is on test. Dont set any level if you doesnt have any already. You need at least one police star to use this option. WIP.

7) Set money: sets Niko's money.

8) Set health (Alt + Numeric 6): set Niko's health. Refulls current health and sets it to the specified limit.

9) Repair car (Alt + Numeric 7): instantly repairs Niko's car in all ways: visual, physical, no scrathes etc.

10) Flip car (Alt + Numeric 8): instantly flips Niko's car upside down if it is ON ROOF. Using this option in normal state leads to funny effects

11) Super stamina (Alt + Numeric 0): this is the toogle option. Niko never gets tired when enabled.

12) Invincible (Alt + Numeric 1): Niko is invincible when enabled.

13) Stupid police (Alt + Numeric 2): look at this option ingame

14) Never wanted (Alt + Numeric 3): toogle/untoogle to set Niko never wanted by police.

15) Tank mode (Alt + Numeric 4): toogle/untoogle to set Niko's car be never damaged and Niko cannot be dragged out of his vehicle.

16) No gravity (Alt + Numeric 5): toogle/untoogle to switch global gravity.

17) Limit health (Alt+F2): limits Niko's health to be not more then it set in Health edit box. Can be turned ON/OFF. Blocks normal set health option.

18) Freeze health (Alt+F3): freezes Niko's health to be not less then it set in Health edit box. Can be turned ON/OFF. Blocks normal set health option and limit health option. Note: recommended value is 400-450. Setting this value too low allows Niko to die in explosions.

19) Give weapon: select the specific weapon from the list and press Give weapon button. Niko will receive a weapon gift.

20) Set car color: select the specific color from the list and press Body color. This option sets Niko's body car color.

21) Set car specular color: select the specific color from the list and press Specular color. This option sets Niko's specular car color.






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