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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2013年07月23日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  升级补丁
文件大小  120.00 MB
推介等级  ★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  



1. 解压缩
2. 安装升级补丁
3. 运行游戏


New Options:
Object Shadows Anti-aliasing (Enabled by default in builds prior to 2.2 for the improved shadows). Disabling may help improve performance & allow for expanded GPU support with some older Shader model versions.
Enable VSYNC option (can help reduce load on higher end GPUs)
Clamp mouse to window when in foreground
Quick match speed default to normal but can be changed to fast
Display mode options from main menu: Windowed, Fullscreen, Fullscreen Desktop (for multi-monitor)
Fullscreen desktop requires monitors to have matching vertical resolutions. Mismatched resolutions resulted in truncated UI and was disabled. You can still drag the game in windowed mode across multiple monitors.
Gameplay Modification:
Added nine additional grouping hotkeys and made group creation / selection keys modifiable.
After getting the patch you may be forced to re-create your hotkey file.
Group hotkeys can be changed by accessing options -> Hotkeys -> Game Commands.
Group Selection hotkeys cannot be modified by alt or shift keys, as these keys have special meaning in game (e.g. alt + group selection key = select and center on)
If multiple buildings of the same type are selected, unit training will sequentially be divided amongst buildings (Multiple building unit queues)
Missing grey background behind some tooltip text resolved (to improve text clarity)
Localization fixes
Unlocalized Launcher Buttons
Missing campaign text
Unlocalized Russian UI
Additional various localization fixes
Additional Achievement fixes
Trebuchet attack range fixes
Various campaign crashes due to string length overflows
Game 憌in?counter should increment correctly
Quickmatch Map Size properly filters based on map size chosen
Performance warning typo fixes
Fixed AI files not being unpacked properly from workshop mods
Fixed workshop downloading only one update per launch of the game
When getting booted from the game, you will return to the main menu. This is by design due to the gameflow and how the title processes game information.
Gameplay version changed to 2.3
Matchmaking settings changed to the 憌idest?setting permitted by Steam抯 system.
Users may see different game lists for several reasons including:
User location (the system should return games that present a better play experience first)
Game legitimacy
Steam account standing
Please note when joining games that high pings may result in poor gameplay experiences.


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