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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2013年08月26日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  升级补丁
文件大小  0 KB
推介等级  ★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  





Version 1.08
- FEZ Launch Options UI (FEZ_LaunchOptions.exe) allows you to toggle non-ingame options for troubleshooting
- Added a --no-lighting launch options (accessible with the tool) which disables the lighting pre-pass, and can make the game run smoother on older GPUs
- The game now backs up your save file when finishing a playthrough to the "SaveSlotN_Ending", in case you want to recover it (e.g. if you nuke your progress by choosing Start New Game instead of New Game+!)
- 5.1 audio is now supported, in that everything will play from the front speakers; positional audio in general was balanced and tweaked as well
- Tentative fix for Framebuffer Object errors on Intel and AMD hardware
- Invert look options is now disabled by default, and renamed from "invert mouse" to "invert look" since it affects keyboard and gamepad controls as well
- Fixed the long-jump exploit that used the turn-around animation
- Fixed visual glitch when entering a door right after jumping
- Secret codes can no longer be input during level transitions, which could cause issues
- When "New Game+" is available, choosing "Start New Game" instead will now trigger a warning
- No more OpenGL background context for threaded loading, should resolve the issues that needed the --singlethreaded flag to resolve (long load times). Note that the game now performs much better with VSync set to "Application Controlled" instead of forced On
- Engine no longer soft-limits to ~58fps, no longer needs --force-60hz to hit 60fps (though the flag still results in the smoothest experience)
- Support for 120hz and other refresh rates (logic still runs at 60fps, but game will draw at whatever VSync instructs it to)
- Fixed that faraway places would show up on top of water in some circumstances
- Fixed the NullReferenceException in draw calls during loading (the Starfield bug), which more often than not resulting in a crash after choosing "Continue Game"
- Fixed that geysers tiling would break up at the top
- Credits now align correctly in 1080p
- Fixed threading-related hitch/framedrop when rotating on slower CPUs
- Fixed OpenTK crash if the driver reports a resolution with no bits-per-pixel information
- Fixed a bug where entering both codes in the telescope rooms would only spawn one cube. Please note that the fix prevents the problem from happening in the future, but save files affected by the problem cannot be fixed without manual intervention (i.e. save file hacking). Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Controls screen no longer lets you remap two actions on the same key
- Menus and intro react appropriately to remapped "escape" and "enter" keys
- UI keyboard mappings that used to be forced are now remappable via the settings file
- Fixed crash in main menu after loading save file related to leaderboards handling



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