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荣誉勋章 空降神兵:游戏操作及硬件

2007-08-29 19:34:05 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿

planetmedalofhonor 为大家整理几个常见的问题~  BY KING_2015

* 某些EA说没支持的显示卡, 依旧可以跑 MoH:A

Q: The game will stop installing at the Ageia physics driver phase.
游戏无法安装Ageia physics 驱动程序?

A: Some people have tried reverting to the previous Ageia physics driver and the game has installed fine after that.

Q: Windows Vista 64-bit officially not supported.
Vista 64位系统是不是真的无法支持?

A: Although it's not supported, many people with this version of Vista are able to install and play the game just fine.
尽管官方说不支持, 但是很多人跑的很顺畅

Q: The game is speeding up and everything is moving very fast.

A: If you have AMD, try disabling dual cores and/or download the AMD Dual Core Optimizer. Some have also said that uninstalling the Bioshock hotfix will correct the problem as well. Also, update your PC drivers.
如果你使用AMD双核心处里器, 试着关闭其中一个核心看看?
或是安裝AMD 双核心优化程序
如果你之前有玩过 Bioshock, 移除它的修正檔也是可以
如果还是不行? 那就更新你的所有驱动程序吧..

Q: The point-of-view is spinning and spiraling out of control.

A: This seems to be peripheral-related. Remove any joystick or other USB related device. Try unplugging and replugging in your mouse and keyboard.
移除你的游戏外围控制器, 像是手把或是飞行游戏杆

Q: When the demo is unpacked, your PC will reboot.
试玩版无法解压缩, 计算机即将重开

A: When extracting the demo you'll see a path which you can't change. Go to that location after the computer has rebooted (you might have to turn the option "show hidden files/maps" on). "MOH Setup" will be temporarily located in a TEMP folder called "RarSFX." It seems that this bug had somthing to do with the change between WinRAR vs. EA installer. --Thx, Calle.
当试玩版解压缩的时候, 会显示解压缩的数据夹, 记住那个路径! (通常是 RarSFX)
然后在重新开机后, 到那个数据夹去按 setup.exe 就可以安装

Q: During gameplay, screen goes black, audio still playing.
游戏到一半, 屏幕变黑, 但是音乐还在跑

A: Minimize game, check system tray for errors regarding video drivers. If so, go into into nVidia control panel (or ATI equivalent), manage 3d settings, select MOH Airborne, and on multidisplay /mixed-GPU accerelation, set it to single display performance mode.
最小化游戏, 然后检查显示卡出现的错误回报, 接着到显示卡控制台里, 将3D设定为 MoH, 最后设定为使用单显示器

Q: PC will freeze/lock up after a few minutes on Nvidia card users, and/or with dual core processors.
游戏过没多久后, 就会停住? (类似当机)

A: Download nhancer and disable dual core. This might help those high end machines that are jamming up. Disabling SLI (tickbox) in the nVidia control panel may help some others.
下载 nhancer 调整程序, 并使用单核心 (多核心玩家请停用其它核心)
或停用 SLI 也会有帮助


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