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2008-01-25 15:06:45 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿


It was the strangest walk a man and a woman ever took together.ThoughKreiger had washed the Senator’s blood from his faces,hands and arms hestill stank of murder.And here he was,Walking beside the daughter ofthe man he’d just murdered,wrapped in dark linen.

Together,they saw the worst of Primordium: the disease,the violence,andthe grinding,unrelieved poverty.And every now and then Lucidique wouldpoint to the walls and the towers of the Emperor’s Winter Palace,anyone room of which contained sufficient wealth to clear the slums of thecity,and feed every starving child.

And for the first time in many,many years Kreiger felt some measure ofreal emotion,remembering circumstances of his own up-bringing,left tosit in the open sewers of Primordium’s streets while his mother soldher drug-riddled body to one of the guards of the Emperor’sguards.There was anger in him as he walked.And it steadily grew.

“What do you want me to do?” he said,frustrated by what he felt,and his own helplessness.“I could never get to the Emperor.”

“Don’t be so sure.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re right,the Dynasty is untouchable as long as you’re just a man;a scabby little assassin hired to kill overweight Senators.But supposeyou could be more than that? Then you could bring the Dynasty down.”


Lucidique gave Kreiger a sideways glance.“It’s nothing I can show youhere.Besides,I have a father to bury.If you want to know more,then meetme tomorrow night outside the Western Gates.Come alone.”

“If this is some kind of trap…” Kreiger said,“…some way to revenge yourfather… then before they take me I’ll cut out your eyes.”

Lucidique smiled.“You make such pretty love-talk,” she said.

“I mean it.”

“I know.And I wouldn’t be so stupid as to conspire against you.Quitethe reverse.I believe we were meant to know one another.I was meant towalk in on your killing my father,and you were ment to hold your handoff and not kill me.There’s some connection between us.You feelit,don’t you?”

Kreiger looked at the dirty street between them.The night had beenfilled with feelings he had not anticipated experiencing.And now herewas another; admitting to the strange intimacy he felt for the daughterof the man he’d murdered.

“Yes,” he said.“I feel it.” Then,after a long silence: “What time tomorrow night?”

“凌晨一点以后。” 露辛迪克告诉他。
“Sometime after one.” Lucidique told him.

“I’ll be there.”

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