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2008-09-18 14:15:49 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿

Burgusstadt General Shop
物品 价格 效果
Red Berry Potion 60 +30%HP
Blue Berry Potion 150 +50%HP
Black Berry Potion 350 +30%MP
Antidote 100 Cures poison
Para-Gone 200 Cures paralysis
Sedative 150 Cures confusion
Miraculous Medicine 550 Revive&30% HP
Seeing Eye 30 Analyze
Sunstone 50 Faint Light
Gladius 500 ATK +150
Longsword 800 ATK +150 HIT +20
Laminated Bow 800 ATK +110 HIT +20
Acolyte Staff 350 ATK +30 HIT +10 INT +180
The Art of Making Tea 260 ATK +10 HIT +10 INT +200
Greatsword 600 ATK +200 HIT +20
Bastard Sword 1000 ATK +240 HIT +20
Novice Baton 550 ATK +65 HIT +10 INT +120
Bodhran 550 ATK +35 HIT +10 INT +200
Sea Axe 500 ATK +360 HIT +10
Soft Leather Jacket 750 DEF +15
Hard Leather Jacket 1800 DEF +25
Iron Scale Armor 1250 DEF +20
Steel Scale Armor 2650 DEF +45
Romie Chiton 600 DEF +15
Soft Leather Cap 650 DEF +10
Iron Scale Helmet 1200 DEF +15
Granite Circlet 520 DEF +6
Soft Leather Boots 550 DEF +6
Iron Scale Greaves 950 DEF +10
Lauan Sandals 380 DEF +5
Brone Ring 300 DEF +5

Nolaan General Shop
物品 价格 效果
Fresh Milk 100 Restores a little HP Party effect
Red Berry Potion 60 Restores 30% of HP
Antidote 100 Cures poison
Sedative 150 Cures confusion
Seeing Eye 30 Analyze
Sunstone 50 Faint light
Mystery Meat 15
Nolaan Potato 15
Graad Onion 30
Red Berry 30
Blue Berry 35
Honey 150
Fresh Herb 80
Antidote Herb 100
Sandstone 120
Cork Wood 15
Sheep Hide 120
Broodsword 250 ATK +100 HIT +10
Tracker's Bow 480 ATK +70 HIT +20
Training Baton 300 ATK +50 HIT +10 INT +70
Clay Drum 300 ATK +28 HIT +10 INT 180
Soft Leatther Jacket 750 DEF +15
Iron Scale Armor 1250 DEF +20
Four-leaf Clover 50

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