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暗黑破坏神3:终极邪恶版 装备常用技能翻译一览

2014-08-02 15:32:01 来源:电玩巴士 作者:lj11574 编辑:Cannon 我要投稿


  毒液吹箭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Poison Dart Damage by (10-15)%

  疫病蟾蜍造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Plague of Toads Damage by (10-15)% 

  尸蛛造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Corpse Spiders Damage by (10-15)% 

  火焰炸弹造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Firebomb Damage by(10-15)%

  献祭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  ncreases Sacrifice Damage by (10-15)%

  突尸冲撞造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Zombie Charger Damage by (10-15)%

  魂灵弹幕造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Spirit Barrage Damage by (10-15)%

  火蝙蝠造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Firebats Damage by (10-15)%

  强酸毒云造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Acid Cloud Damage by (10-15)%

  亡者之壁造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Wall of Zombies Damage by (10-15)%

  食人鱼造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Piranhas Damage by (10-15)%

  巨尸造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Gargantuan Damage by (10-15)%

  鬼娃大军造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Fetish Army Damage by (10-15)%

  亡者之握造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Grasp of the Dead Damage by (10-15)%

  召唤虫群造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Locust Swarm Damage by (10-15)%             

  召唤殭尸犬造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Summon Zombie DogsDamage by (10-15)%

  蚀魂造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Haunt Damage by (10-15)%


  幽光刃造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Spectral Blade Damage by (10-15)%       

  电能脉冲造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Shock Pulse Damage by (10-15)%

  魔法飞弹造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Magic Missile Damage by (10-15)%

  电殛造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Electrocute Damage by (10-15)%

  秘法奔流造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Arcane Torrent Damage by (10-15)%

  冰霜射线造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Ray of Frost Damage by (10-15)%

  秘法光球造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Arcane Orb Damage by (10-15)%

  能量震波造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Wave of Force Damage by (10-15)%

  能量旋风造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Energy Twister Damage by (10-15)%  

  陨石术造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Meteor Damage by (10-15)%        

  裂光波造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Disintegrate Damage by (10-15)%           

  秘法黑洞造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Black Hole Damage by (10-15)%        

  暴风雪造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Blizzard Damage by (10-15)%

  守御之星造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Familiar Damage by (10-15)%             

  聚能轰击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Explosive Blast Damage by (10-15)%           

  多头蛇造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Hydra Damage by (10-15)%


  回避射击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  ncreases Evasive Fire Damage by (10-15)%        

  缚影弹造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Entangling Shot Damage by (10-15)%              

  榴弹造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Grenade Damage by (10-15)%

  追噬箭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Hungering Arrow Damage by (10-15)%           

  缚锤弹造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Bolas Damage by (10-15)%

  元素箭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Elemental Arrow Damage by (10-15)%  

  扫射造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Strafe Damage by (10-15)%     

  多重射击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Multishot Damage by (10-15)%  

  刺穿造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Impale Damage by (10-15)%     

  连射造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Rapid Fire Damage by (10-15)%        

  战轮造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Chakram Damage by (10-15)%  

  集束箭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Cluster Arrow Damage by (10-15)%

  复仇箭雨造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Rain of Vengeance Damage by (10-15)%

  卫哨造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Sentry Damage by (10-15)%

  尖刺陷阱造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Spike Trap Damage by (10-15)%

  战宠造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Companion Damage by (10-15)%

  飞舞刀刃造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Fan of Knives Damage by (10-15)%


  正义之锤造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Justice Damage by (10-15)%

  烈空斩造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Slash Damage by (10-15)%  

  制裁造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Punish Damage by (10-15)%              

  炼击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Smite Damage by (10-15)%     

  盾猛击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Shield Bash Damage by (10-15)%

  祝福之锤造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Blessed Hammer Damage by (10-15)%

  圣光扫击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Sweep Attack Damage by (10-15)%              

  天堂之拳造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Fist of the Heavens Damage by (10-15)%              

  祝福之盾造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Blessed Shield Damage by (10-15)%           

  圣军之阵造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Phalanx Damage by (10-15)%              

  天堂之怒造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Heaven's Fury Damage by (10-15)%

  天谴造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Condemn Damage by (10-15)%

  天罚之剑造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Falling Sword Damage by (10-15)%

  火炮轰炸造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Bombardment Damage by (10-15)%


  先祖之锤造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Hammer of the Ancients Damage by (10-15)%

  旋风斩造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Whirlwind Damage by (10-15)%              

  上古之矛造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Ancient Spear Damage by (10-15)%

  辟地猛击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Seismic Slam Damage by (10-15)%

  猛击造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Bash Damage by (10-15)%        

  掷刃斩造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Weapon Throw Damage by (10-15)%     

  顺劈斩造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Cleave Damage by (10-15)%

  狂乱造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Frenzy Damage by (10-15)%

  山崩地裂造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Avalanche Damage by (10-15)% 

  撕裂造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Rend Damage by (10-15)%

  裂地之震造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Earthquake Damage by (10-15)%

  霸气无双造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Overpower Damage by (10-15)%

  复仇造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Revenge Damage by (10-15)%


  伏魔破造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Crippling Wave Damage by (10-15)%     

  断空波造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Deadly Reach Damage by (10-15)%        

  奔雷拳造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Fists of Thunder Damage by (10-15)%              

  百烈拳造成的伤害提高 (10-15)% Increases Way of the Hundred Fists Damage by (10-15)%

  劲风煞造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Sweeping Wind Damage by (10-15)%

  七星闪造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Seven-Sided Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  瞬影打造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Dashing Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  天地元灵造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Mystic Ally Damage by (10-15)%

  飓风转造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%   Increases Cyclone Strike Damage by (10-15)%

  云龙摆尾造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Lashing Tail Kick Damage by (10-15)%

  金钟破造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Wave of Light Damage by (10-15)%

  **掌造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Exploding Palm Damage by (10-15)%

  暴风奔袭造成的伤害提高 (10-15)%  Increases Tempest Rush Damage by (10-15)%


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