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发布时间: [2008-5-14]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com


  Players will be able to change their hairstyles as often as they want, the cost of doing so will scale with their level.

  PvE ladders on the official armory are possible in the future.

  There will be no event to open the route to Northrend like AQ; the day of the expansion release, players can go straight into Northrend. However, a month or 2 in advance there will possibly be a large patch, similar to pre TBC. Players will get hints of why they will have to go to Northrend in this peroid, and this patch will possibly feature new talent trees and class changes.

  There will be a lot of new exciting things for all classes on the way to level 80 in terms of talents and abilites, and player will likely find there is a different balance between the classes at level 80.

  It is likely some new spells and abilities for the classes will be shown at the WWI next month.

  There may be an instance inside Dalaran, the new central hub city in Northrend.

  Better graphics are a possibility for the future, but it's not something that Blizz are working on right now.

  Blizzard are planning to bring out cool new items for players to spend all their money on, BEFORE Wrath comes out.

  Lots of UI improvement planned, Blizzard will be integrating some popular addons to the standard UI.

  There is a possibilty that old instances will be brought back later on in the game, in a similar way that Naxxramas is being revived in Wrath.

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