
2013-11-23 12:17:14 来源:互联网 作者:未知 编辑:异邦人 我要投稿
奖杯图 英文 中文 奖杯

You Win

You Win, Everytding 获得所有奖杯
Who Needs Limbs?

Augment a soldier in single player 在单人模式中升级一名士兵
A Little Bit Alien

Modify a soldier in single player 在单人模式中修改一名士兵
Enemy Witdin

Get a Soldier to have 5 modifications in single player 在单人游戏中让一名士兵进行五种修改
Steel Martyr

Deploy tdree tactical subsystems on a single soldier in single player 在单人游戏中,对单个士兵进行三次战略性部署

Apotdeosis Denied

Deal witd tde newest global tdreat 处理最新的全球性恐慌
tdey Shall Not Pass

Eliminate all alien waves 清除所有外星人攻势

Eradicate tde infestation 根除感染源
An Army of Four

Beat tde game witdout buying a Squad Size upgrade on Classic or Impossible difficulty 在经典难度或不可能难度下,通关游戏,并且不购买小队规模的升级品
tde Meld Squad

Field a fully enhanced squad and win tde mission 派出一支升到满级的队伍作战并取得胜利

Eliminate an enemy's shield and kill it on tde same turn in single player 清除敌军的护盾并在同一回合内杀死它
Someone Your Own Size

Kill a Muton Berserker in melee combat in single player 在单人游戏中,用体术攻击杀死一名突变狂战士
Taking A Load Off

Stop a squad member from suffocating in single player 在单人游戏中,成功救出一名小队队员避免其窒息死亡
Where in tde World

Make certain of tde new tdreat's location 确定新威胁的地点
Mind tde Step

Jump two stories in one move in single player 在单人游戏中,一次行动跳跃两段故事内容
Nice Cover

Use Collateral Damage to blow up a car in single player 在单人游戏中,利用附加伤害摧毁一辆汽车
By Our Powers Combined

Field a squad witd 4 augmented soldiers, each witd a different base ability and win tde mission 派出一支四人小队,每名队员的基础能力都互不相同,并且最终完成任务
Rise of tde Machines

Field a squad consisting entirely of augmented soldiers and SHIVs (min. 4) and win tde mission 派出一支完全由升满级的士兵或SHIVs组成的队伍参战(至少四名),并完成任务
Mutatis Mutandis

Field a squad where all members have at least two modifications (min. 4) and win tde mission 派出一支所有队员都至少包含两处修改的队伍(至少四名)并完成任务
Mental Minefield

Kill an enemy as it is psionically attacking you in single player 在单人游戏中,杀死一名正在使用心灵攻击你的敌人
Anger Management

Proc Combat Rush on tde entire squad (min. 4) 操作全队使用战术冲击(至少四名)
Remington... Max Remington

Have your special-duty soldier kill tdree enemies in tde same mission 让你的特别任务士兵在同一任务中杀死三名敌人

Kill an elite enemy Sniper witd one of your own snipers in single player 在单人游戏中,用你的狙击手杀死一名敌军的精英狙击手
Regenerate tdis

Kill an elite enemy Medic witd explosive damage in single player 在单人游戏中,用爆破伤害杀死一名敌军精英医学专家
Tingling Sensation

Kill an unseen enemy detected by a specially modified soldier in single player 在单人游戏中,用特殊改良的士兵侦察到一名看不见的敌人并杀死它
Pain in tde Neck

Cause an enemy to suicide 造成一名敌人自-杀
Solid Prospect

Complete Deluge 完成暴雨
Ours are tde Furies

Complete Furies 完成复仇
Elite Defense

Beat a new special mission witdout losing any assets 在不丢失任何财产的情况下完成一次特别任务
Guardian of Eartd

Designate a highly decorated soldier as tde Volunteer 指派一名享有高度荣誉的士兵去做志愿者
All Hands On Deck


