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《方舟生存进化》升级与技能点指南 如何消费技能点

2015-06-07 17:12:39 来源:方舟生存进化吧 作者:carlohan 我要投稿

















  Level 60You've done it! You broke through to level 60, there's nothing else beyond this point. If you've followed through this guide and not unlocked anything extra, you'll still have a good 290+ Engram Points to spend on whatever you want!

  Get a cooking pot for any recipies you might have found, but remember you'll need to work on irrigation and farming to really get those working.

  Maybe finally upgrade to metal walls so you don't have to fear even a t-rex breaking through your front gate.

  Perhaps you'll want to test out the grenades and work towatds a C4 or Grenade launcher?

  Those electronics you skipped past earlier are looking pretty tempting right about now... Especially with it being able to keep food for longer...

  Maybe you'll want to craft a few saddles to ride dinos... Know what it feels like to ride the back of a shark, be the arms of a t-rex, touch the clouds with a pteranodon... The world is your dino egg and your engrams are ready to help you hatch out and break free. From here on out, you can go any way you want and still be able to do a few extras that you normally wouldn't (unless you want to get every saddle... Those things are expensive and there's a lot of them!)

  Please also note that I included EVERY part of the "building blocks" for the base. You might not want windows, you might never use catwalks, you might never even use ladders and instead choose to get everywhere using ramps as well as using them for "roofing" etc. This is all up to you, and could even free up some more points to put elsewhere.

  This guide was created to be a semi "optimal" setup for using your engrams as a solo player, while leaving enough engram points to choose where you might want to specialize into if you were to be playing with a group of friends. (In which case you might not want clothing, but instead choose to spend all those points in metal walls etc so someone else can cover clothing. That is what makes teamwork so potent in this game!)

  In the creation of this guide, I myself chose to look at electronics and how they might be used, which left me with 141 points so I got the saddles for the rex, megalodon, sabre tooth, mammoth and pteranodon. I also wanted to start going into farming but ran out of engram points before I could even get a farm... Nevermind, maybe next time. I'll have to make do with meat and berries!

  If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be playing on a twitch sub server fortwitch.tv/tangentgaming under the name Warlock and there will always be members of the community about that will be willing to help with whatever questions you may have. Please bear in mind that we are still in the early stages of gameplay on this server with the highest player being about level 30, so we will not have too many detailed answeres on endgame things such as Electronics and such just yet. :)



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