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2018-07-13 16:12:12 来源:方舟生存进化吧 作者:小白狼125 我要投稿





  Confound thoseconfused contraptions! Despite my best efforts, I could make neither heads nortails of the mysterious machine that brought me here.

  If only I still had that jittery bespectacled assistant of mine from all thoseyears ago. What was his name? Gerald? Gerande? The one that loved tinkeringwith the devices we’d salvage from the arms of the Island’s less fortunateinhabitants. Good lad. The inscriptions he found on the inside of those littletrinkets were where I first saw the word “ARK” as I recall.

  Shame about the incident with the Compsognathus. If I still had his services,perhaps I’d never be in this God forsaken desert. Ah well. Stiff upper lip,Rockwell. Make the best of it.





  Right then! Nowthat I have found a shady spot where I can enjoy a brief respite from thisdesert’s dreadful heat, it’s high time that I set some goals for thisexpedition. If I wander about aimlessly then I’m sure to meet the same fate aspoor Gerald.

  First, I shall find a local tribe if for no other reason than to obtain aproper mount and supplies.

  Second, I simply must learn more about that strange metal that lined the wallsof the sanctuary. Even with a cursory study I could tell that it possesseswondrous properties. But where could I find more of it?





  I must saynothing reminds a man of his own mortality quite like a desolate wasteland. Asa strapping young lad, I could have survived alone in this desert for years!Why on one occasion, I fought off a Bengal tiger with nought but an empty flashand my favourite pipe. With this makeshift spear, the beasts of this land wouldnever have a prayer!

  Yet in my old age, I can feel this damnable sun sapping my strength with everyminute I spend under its unforgiving gaze. Each day I cover less ground thanthe day before.

  I must find civilization soon, no matter how primitive. Without the right toolsand supplies, I fear that this expedition will be incredibly short lived.





  Eureka! At last,I have found signs of human life!

  This afternoon, I came across a fresh series of footprints, some from humansand some from what I assume are large beasts of burden. I cannot be sure whomade them or how civilized they may be, but neither can I afford to be tooparticular in my choice of saviors.

  Whoever they are, I must track them down immediately. As soon as I gather mystrength I shall pursue my quarry with the utmost haste and vigor. The tale ofthe brilliant and impeccably groomed Sir Edmund Rockwell shall not end thisday!





  Salvation, thyname is Prophet's Rest.

  After a proper meal and some time out of the sun, the makeshift fortressdoesn't look half as grand as its name might imply. Yet when I first sightedits walls from across the dunes, it may as well have been El Dorado itself, sograteful was I to find it.

  Thus far, I have seen little of the inhabitants, but they seem a hospitablesort. I've been given food, shelter, and even a wet cloth to clean myself with.Quite generous of them, considering how scarce water is in these lands.

  Their clothing is a curiosity, however. Those robes seem more ceremonial thanfunctional.






  It seems thatProphet's Rest is less a fortress and more an enclave or monastery. I supposethat would explain the name, now wouldn't it?

  Yes as strange as it may sound, the natives have created a primitive religioncentered around the ARK's obelisks. They pray three times a day, each timefacing a different obelisk, and their robes bear a unique symbol - a threepointed star coloured red, green and blue. The blue obelisk appears to receiveparticular reverence due to is proximity.

  As charmingly ignorant as their superstitions may be, it's far from the mostsavage religion I've encountered. Besides, Prophet's Rest is in need of adoctor, and I am in need of supplies.





  I havediscovered why Prophet's Rest is so generous with their water. The well at theedge of the compound is built directly on top of what the locals call a 'watervein' - an endless supply water bubbles up from beneath the earth.

  It's existence is a minor miracle, though compared to what I saw in the starlitsanctuary, minor is the operative word. I suppose this ARK must be floatingamong the stars just as the Island was. What an extraordinary thought! I cannotfathom how such a thing is possible, but that remarkable metal must be at theheart of it. I am certain.




  Most of my workwork at the monastery's doctor has been trivial. Every now and then one of theguards gets injured by the local wildlife, but I usually find myself treatingheat stroke and common illnesses. As such, I have had plenty of time to learnall the priests know about the obelisks.

  All told, they are stunningly ill informed about the literal pillars of theirfaith. They are unaware that the obelisks are actually devices that can beactivated, and needless to say they have never activated one themselves.

  They showed a flicker of understanding when I described the artifacts I foundon the island, however. I shall have to keep digging.





  Unbelievable.Have these idol worshipping ninnies replaced all their common sense with blinddevotion? Have years of oppressive heat completely addled their brains?

  I was finally allowed to see the monastery's inner sanctum, and lo and behold,there they were. Sitting upon an altar before a flock of protesting primitiveswere these glowing artifacts, just like the ones I had found in the cavernsbeneath the island. Yet instead of making use of them or even studying them,these halfwits are praying to them!

  The true value of those artifacts is completely lost on these simpletons.Sacred relics, indeed!





  It took time,but I finally pilfered enough supplies and tools to survive on my own. Loadingthem onto these camel-like beasts of burden was laborious, but the real trialwas absconding with the artifacts.

  There is always someone watching the inner sanctum, so I carefully studied theguard's shifts until I identified whose drink I had to spoil with my knockoutserum. Even then I acted with great haste and guile, for my heist will surelybe discovered when the priests convene for their morning prayers.

  Alas, they will be too late! Sir Edmund Rockwell is always ahead of his foes,but not by a mere step. No, I am miles and miles beyond their reach!






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