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2018-08-02 11:56:48 来源:方舟生存进化吧 作者:RCT·女神星 我要投稿





  I have turned into something of a stable master. The others are still unused to the presence of so many beasts, and have to be taught how to care for them. It is a lot of work, but I do not mind. It has been comforting to be around so many beasts again.I have also taught them some lessons in close quarters combat. While their weapons are powerful, most of these people are not warriors. They have not tasted war. Juzi claims she was a soldier, but that she fought by flying metal ships through the clouds. She says she will show me how if we ever escape these caves. I doubt it, but it is nice to imagine.





  Juzi has finally convinced me to start sleeping in the metal pods the others use. I must admit, I slept more soundly, though perhaps that was because I knew she could no longer pester me about it.I do many things like the other villagers now. I eat like them, I dress like them, and I work with them. I still struggle with their tools and I know that I can never truly be one of them, but that was true during the Yellow Turban Rebellion too. Those who I fought beside were my comrades, but I could never be a true soldier like they were. If that is my place in this village, then I do not mind staying for a while longer. It is not so bad.





  I must move quickly. The tribe sent a party into the depths of the caverns, where rivers of violet fire flow freely and nothing grows. They sought something important, something that could help the whole village, but they have not returned.

  There is no response when we call for them through our messenger boxes. The other villagers fear them lost to the terrible demons that lurk there. I refuse to believe that. Juzi is with them.

  I have equipped Ao Yue with armor and weapons like my own, and donned armor that will protect me from the violet fire. Whatever beasts or demons lie in our path, we will destroy them utterly, and bring Juzi's team back.






  This is a place of death. The ground is scarred and barren, and there is no light or movement save that of the violet fire. Even Ao Yue does not seem to like it. The living should not tread here.

  Why would Juzi come here? What was so important that she would risk this place, and why would she not tell me? Whatever the reason, it has already cost some of her teammates their lives. I found their bodies earlier today, mangled and partially devoured beside the remains of their beasts. Thankfully Juzi was not among them.

  Great towers of crystal loom ahead, where the violet fire has frozen solid. Perhaps she has found shelter there.






  I shall have to find whoever forged this gun and thank them with all my heart. Its strength saved the day.

  With my weapon's enhanced sight, I spotted two survivors running from a huge monster, but a crystal formation stood in my way. Rather than go around it, I sent Ao Yue ahead and fired through it. My aim was true, and the demon reeled. By the time it recovered, Ao Yue was upon it, and we finished it together.

  I knew one of the survivors was Juzi when she ran up to hug me. I am unused to such gestures, but I think she understood how grateful I was for her safety. Her teammate is wounded, but alive. With rest, he will survive.






  Even now, I cannot convince Juzi to leave. I even tried using her real name, Diana, to show her I was serious, but she will not hear it. She says the plans she was looking for are too important, but what could be worth what happened to her teammate?

  It was disgusting. He started spasming in the middle of the night, and then a smaller version of the monster that was attacking them burst from his chest and tore out his heart. Blood and bone sprayed everywhere, and I was too stunned to act until it leaped at me. Fortunately I was able to hold it off until Juzi could shoot it.

  Whatever we are seeking, I fear we will face even worse dangers to obtain it.






  Juzi said that the item she sought was in some ruins not far from where we were camped. However, when she called them ruins, I had not expected to see buildings like the ones in our own village. It was puzzling, to see buildings that looked at once ancient and new.

  I had little time to dwell on the ruins, for we were quickly set upon by more of the great demons. They rushed us, slobbering and gnashing as Juzi scrambled to find what she was looking for. I was able to hold them off with Ao Yue's cannons, but by the time Juzi found her prize, we were being overrun.

  To my shame, I had to leave Ao Yue behind to hold the demons off while we escaped. It pained me to hear his roars as we fled, but his sacrifice saved our lives. Forgive me, my loyal friend.






  Without Ao Yue, we had to move cautiously. Another battle with the demons could prove fatal, but we managed to avoid their sight. All that was left was the climb.

  With no mount, we had to use climbing picks to slowly make our way upwards. It was a long and treacherous ascent, and we both nearly fell several times. Fortunately, we were there to catch and support each other, and through our combined strength, we safely reached the caverns above.

  After the climb, we lay there for a long time. I cannot remember if we laughed or cried. Perhaps both. Juzi says that the item she found could help the entire village, but I do not care. I am just so glad we are both still alive.






  We received a hero's welcome when we limped back to the village. The others say that Juzi's treasure will help complete a magic door that can take us out of this place. They speak of escape and of returning home.

  That should excite me more. I used to long for those things, yet what comforts me most is that when they speak of their future, they include me in it. I am finally one of them, not as a mercenary or out of desperation, but because I am wanted.

  I owe it to Juzi, I think. No, to Diana. She trusted me before anyone else. I will not forget that.






  I have been thinking of home lately. It is so far away now. I think that perhaps, it is out of reach. Even if the others can complete their magic door, I do not think I will ever see it again.

  I can accept that now. I can move past it. I have a new home now, I think, and while I am still not used to its oddities, I feel as though it is mine. Each day I grow more adept with the tools here, and more used to my routine. It has become normal to me.

  And now that this place is my home, I swear that no harm will come to it. I shall protect it with my life.







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