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2.4 PTR Patch 太阳井补丁信息

发布时间: [2008-2-11]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com

  World of Warcraft PTR Patch 2.4.0

  The Sunwell Isle


  * The Sunwell Isle is now available for play. This area includes a new quest hub and 5-player and 25-player instances. Join the Shattered Sun Offensive in shutting down Kael’thas’ nefarious operations. This new force is comprised by both the Aldor and Scryers and is led by the Naaru. Players will take part in claiming Sun’s Reach and setting up a larger base of operation to stop Kael’thas and the Legion.

  * 太阳井之岛现在已经可以进入.这个区域包括一个新的任务中心和5人&25人副本.你可以通过阻止凯尔萨斯的罪恶行径来加入Shattered Sun Offensive这个新的声望力量.它由纳鲁所领导的奥尔多和占卜者组成.玩家可以通过阻止凯尔萨斯和燃烧军团的行为来在太阳之岛上建设一个大型的基地.

  Combat Log Improvements


  * The combat log has undergone improvements that allow more robust combat filtering including the ability to define custom colors for enemies and friends as well as combat filtering for self and others.

  * 战斗记录系统已经经过改进,允许使用更多功能强大的战斗过滤器.



  * The combined forces of Shattrath have launched an attack on the Isle of Quel’Danas, to confront Kael’thas and the Legion at the Sunwell and surrounding areas. Players will now be able to gain reputation with the Shattered Sun Offensive and participate in a new set of daily quests.

  * 撒塔斯的联合力量已经发动了一场针对Quel’Danas的攻击,以在太阳井和周围区域得以面对凯尔萨斯和军团的势力.玩家现在将可以获得Shattered Sun Offensive的声望,并参加一系列新的每日任务.

  * A representative of the Keepers of Time has been spotted at the World’s End Tavern in Shattrath. Players in good standing with the faction will be granted ease of passage to the Caverns of Time.


  * Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.

  * 人物现在可以保留通过天赋学到的法术等级,重新配置天赋时不再需要从训练师处重新学习法术。

  * Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities.

  * 法术急速:法术急速现在同样会降低法术的公共冷却时间,最低可以降到1秒。该改动对近战和远程技能无效。.

  * Item Cast Spells: Many spells cast by items were being cast as if the caster were the same level as the item. Most of those will now cast at the player’s level, giving them a reasonable chance to miss, be dispelled, or be resisted.

  * 通过物品施法的法术:许多通过物品来施法的法术原来施法时按照物品的等级来施法.现在它们中的大多数现在将按照玩家的等级来进行施法,并且按照玩家的等级来计算未命中、被驱散、以及被抵抗的概率

  * Spirit-Based Mana Regeneration: This system has been adjusted so that as your intellect rises, you will regenerate more mana per point of spirit.

  * 以精神为基础的法力回复:这个系统已经被调整了,如果你的智力提高,你将从精神回复法力中获得更多的法力值



  * Find Treasure: This ability no longer deactivates upon death.

  * 矮人的寻宝天赋:这个技能死后将不会再被重置为未激活



  * Empowered Rejuvenation: This talent now properly affects the final heal from Lifebloom.

  * 回春增效:这个天赋现在将正确的作用于生命绽放的最终效果

  * Gift of Nature: This talent now properly affects the healing from Tranquility.

  * 自然之赐:这个天赋现在将正确的作用于宁静的治疗效果

  * Insect Swarm: Casting lower ranks of this spell is now properly penalized like other healing and damage effects.

  * 虫群:施放低等级的这个法术现在获得正确的治疗效果和法术伤害惩罚

  * Lacerate: This ability now deals additional damage based on the attack power of the Druid.

  * 割伤:这个技能现在从德鲁伊的攻击强度获得额外的伤害加成

  * Mangle (Bear) now properly triggers a 1.5 second global cooldown, increased from 1.0.

  * 熊形态的芒果现在由原来的1秒公共CD更正到正确的触发1.5秒公共CD

  * Natural Perfection: This ability will no longer be triggered by taking critical strikes while sitting. In addition, it is now affected by the Subtlety talent.

  * 天然完美:这个技能现在将不再在坐着时被暴击而触发.另外,它现在将被微秒天赋影响.

  * When a Druid in cat form casts Pounce it will now properly animate.

  * 当一个德鲁伊在猫形态施放突袭时将触发正确的动画效果



  * Equipping a thrown weapon while in the middle of an Auto-Shot will no longer cause animation issues.

  * 在自动射击时装备一个投掷武器将不再导致射击的动画流出

  * Casting Flare while in any way not visible, will no longer cause your flare to be invisible to other players.

  * 当无法被其他玩家看到时施放闪光弹,将不再导致你的闪光弹效果无法被其他玩家看到(什么乱七八糟的...)

  * The stamina tooltip for hunter pets will now display the proper health increase.

  * 猎人宠物的耐力栏现在将显示正确增加的生命值数值

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