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2.4 PTR Patch 太阳井补丁信息

发布时间: [2008-2-11]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com




  - If a player dies 50 times or more in a battleground, they will no longer be worth honor for the remainder of that battle.


  - When you first enter a battleground, messages about other players joining the battleground will be linked together for the first minute. You will see a message in AV like "28 players joined" rather than a line for each player that joined. After the first minute, it will work as it always has. In addition all of the messages about other players leaving the battleground and getting marks of honor once the battleground is complete have been removed.

  - 当你第一次进入战场,在战斗准备的前1分钟里,战斗信息不再显示“OO-XX加入了战斗”,“XX-OO加入了战斗”,而是统一显示“30名玩家加入了战斗”;同时,玩家离开战场和获得牌子也不再会提示了。

  Alterac Valley


  + Captain Balinda Stonehearth's spells have been simplified, and she can no longer be slowed or locked out of a school with interrupts (although she can still be interrupted).


  + Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their health totals reduced.

  + 范达尔.雷矛和巴琳达.赫尔斯通的生命值总量减少了.

  + Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other’s maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.

  + 将领和将军可以互相叠加一个增加生命和攻击25%的buff,以防止强杀。

  + Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek’Thar and Frostwolf Keep.

  + 部落的进入战场通道山洞被后移而更加靠近霜狼堡垒.

   Warsong Gulch


  + When both flags are held, the flag carriers will receive 50% increased damage done to them after approximately 10 minutes and 100% increased damage after approximately 15 minutes.

  + 双方旗帜都被抢走10分钟后,拿旗帜的玩家承受的伤害值增加50%,15分钟后则增加100%。

  + Flag carriers can now be tracked 45 seconds after picking up the flag.

  + 旗帜被夺走45秒后,小地图上就能看见旗帜了。



  * Added several new tradeskill items to the new Sunwell Daily faction vendor:

  * 在太阳井每日地方商人处加入了一些新的商业技能物品

  - Enchanting recipe to shatter a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards.

  - 新增将一块虚空水晶转化为两个大块棱光碎片的配方

  o Enchanting recipe to increase Defense Rating by 15 for chest armor.

  o 新增附魔图样,附魔胸甲防御等级15

  o Three jewelcrafting recipes to cut gems with spell haste from Dawnstones, Talasite, and noble Topaz.

  o 3个新的法术加速的珠宝图样,黎明石,泰拉宝石,皇家黄宝石

  o Two new meta gem recipes.

  o 两个新的多彩宝石图样

  * Alchemy

  * 炼金

  - Gift of Arthas now stacks to 20.

  - 阿尔萨斯的礼物的效果现在增加到20个一叠

  * Cooking

  * 烹饪

  - Broiled Bloodfin now increases resistances to all schools of magic instead of increasing Stamina and Spirit.

  - 煮过的血鳍鱼现在增加全系法术效果的抵抗率,而不是增加耐力和精神

  o New recipes, Charred Bear Kabobs and Juicy Bear Burgers, can be purchased from either

  Bale (Horde) or Malygen (Alliance) in Felwood. These recipes requires 250 skill to learn, and are created from meat found on level 48-56 bears. This will aid players in leveling up their cooking skill to 300 without fishing.

  o 新的图样,多汁熊肉堡将使玩家获得一个+14法术伤害/治疗效果的BUFF,而焦熊肉串将使玩家获得一个+24攻击强度的BUFF.


  * Enchanting

  * 附魔

  - Reduced the materials required for Enchant Shield – Resistance

  - 减少了附魔盾牌-抗性的材料需求

  * Engineering

  * 工程学

  - Gagsprocket in Ratchet now sells the plans for the Minor Recombobulator.

  - 棘齿城的Gagsprocket现在出售图样: Minor Recombobulator(这个要怎么说呢...总之就是驱散队友变形效果的装置)

  - Goblin Jumper Cables and Goblin Jumper Cables XL now display cooldown information in

  their tooltips.

  - 地精起搏器和地精起搏器XL型现在在他们的说明里显示CD信息

  - Removed the level requirement for the Craftsman's Monocle.

  - 取消了工匠眼镜的级别需求

  - The stun caused by engineering Bombs and Grenades is now considered an Incapacitate

  effect and uses the appropriate Incapacitate diminishing returns. Bomb and Grenades can now inflict damage to targets immune to Stun and Incapacitate effects.

  - 工程炸弹和手榴弹造成的昏迷效果现在被认为是一个瘫痪效果,并且受到递减.炸弹和手榴弹现在可以对免疫昏迷和瘫痪效果的目标造成伤害.

  - A new recipe has been added for Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite, a cloth version of the Rocket Boots Xtreme. This pattern drops from Mechano-Lord Capacitus.

  - 一个新的图样:超级轻型火箭靴(布衣版的超级火箭靴).由机械领主卡帕西图斯掉落.

  - Rocket Boots Xtreme now have all their stat points allocated toward Attack Power, and

  will no longer have Stamina.

  - 超级火箭靴现在只包括强度,不再包括耐力

  - Rocket Boots Xtreme and Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite will cause players to drop a PvP flag if used while carrying one. (Warsong Gulch, Eye of the Storm, and Zangarmarsh)

  - 超级火箭靴和超级轻型火箭靴启动后会导致玩家身上战歌,风暴之眼,赞格沼泽的旗子掉落

  * Fishing

  * 钓鱼

  - New Fishing Daily Quests! Visit the mysterious old man fishing at Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath City to discover what treasures he has to offer.

  - 新的钓鱼日常任务!拜访在沙塔斯城外希尔米耶湖钓鱼的神秘老人,看看他能为你带来什么财富。

  - Find Fish now correctly tracks Schools of Tastyfish and Muddy Churning Waters.

  - 追踪鱼群现在正确的追踪斑点可口鱼和翻滚的泥浆

  * Herbalism

  * 草药学

  - Ancient Lichen now has a chance to drop a Fel Lotus where it used to drop a piece of

  random green jewelry.

  - 远古青苔原来掉落一块随机绿色珠宝,而现在有几率掉落魔狱莲花

  - Black Lotus replaced by Fel Lotus in herbalism skinning tables for Outland creatures.

  - 可被“采药”的尸体以前出黑莲花的将被魔莲花取代

  - Increased the chance that Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Ragveil, and Flame Caps will contain a Fel Lotus.

  - 增加了梦魇根,梦誉草,火焰花,豚纱草包含魔狱莲花的几率

  - Warp Splinter can now be skinned with Herbalism in heroic difficulty.

  - 迁越扭木现在可以在英雄难度下被草药师们扒掉了= =

来源:nga 作者: 银之末裔

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