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WWI快报:新战场 新公正徽章 飞机坦克动力装甲

发布时间: [2008-7-2]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com


  * PvE elements are being added to this PvP Zone, for example the equivalent of Elemental Plateau in Outland is in Lake Wintergrasp.

  * Siege Combat will be in both Lake Wintergrasp and the new Battleground (see below). You can destroy the buildings within Lake Wintergrasp and in the Battleground.

  * Siege vehicles incude air combat with flying vehicles.

  * Lake Wintergrasp will feature an attack/defend game type. Just like the Auchindoun Spirit Towers, when your faction holds a tower it will keep it for a certain amount of time and retain all the advantage for a few hours.

  * Northrend "Spirit Shards" will be used to reward players. When your faction controls Lake Wintergrasp all the bosses in Northrend will start dropping them. You can then use these shards to buy rewards from a merchant, they won't be more powerful any other reward but just an alternative to other sources of equipement (like gearing up for PvP very quickly).


  * "Wintergrasp Marks of Honor" will drop as well and will be redeemable for items through the honor system and other NPCs.

  * Bridges will be used as "choke point" in the map, siege vehicles can't travel through water.

  * The goal of Lake Wintergrasp is to capture the "Wintergrasp Keep", everything in that keep is destructable and you will have to break into the keep to capture the point.

  * Players will be able to control stationnary cannons on each tower to defend the keep.

  * Bridges are very large and very tall, players should be able to see them from anywhere in the map. They're also totally destructable as well.

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