处理 SSI 文件时出错
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巫妖王之怒:官方蓝贴 PVE服可以转PVP服

发布时间: [2008-9-12]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com

  Providing a smooth and enjoyable experience for all players is always a priority for us, and we are continually re-evaluating our policies and programs to do so. As the state of the game has matured substantially since the inception of Paid Character Transfers, we will now be allowing PvE-to-PvP transfers on a full-time basis to provide players with more mobility and freedom to easily play with their friends.

  Keep in mind that all of the other standard cooldowns and restrictions will continue to apply; we’re just opening the option to transfer characters on Normal realms to Player-vs.-Player realms. Please review the Paid Character Transfer FAQ


巫妖王之怒:小号福音 新增账号绑定装备


九城再严打 一周永久冻结1000外挂使用者

巫妖王之怒:近期蓝帖 职业平衡仍在进行





来源:暴雪官方论坛 作者: MMO

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处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错