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2008-10-02 20:34:21 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 浏览:loading

On my secondary system I was able to play the game although, there were still occasional crash bugs but the game was playable and I did notice, that it was impossible to alt-tab out of the game. Any attempt to do so caused the game to lock up when attempting to tab back into it.


Dark Horizon is a very atmospheric game. The cut scenes are generally in black and white and the voice acting is serious and sometimes even ponderous. The game takes the story very seriously and delivers it without a hint of levity or excitement. The space flight graphics are gorgeous with nebula, stars, and space debris all about. The ship designs are wild and asymmetrical but still very pretty. Combat is fast and furious and explosions and missile trails all look terrific.


The space combat is hampered by the control system. Most fights are one pass and then you are in a classic turning fight. Having to constantly pickup and move the mouse back to scroll some more makes turning fights hard on your arm and slower to pull off. The enemy AI appears to focus on you as the player character ship to the exclusion of your wing mates. Even hanging back and allowing three other allied fighters to engage the enemy first does not prevent you from receiving the bulk of the incoming enemy fire. The best strategy is to try and knock out as many as possible using missiles during the first pass before getting into the turning fight.


Speaking of AI, I am sad to report that it’s fairly basic. The enemy comes straight for you and your squadron mates do…. well something. You can give your allies mental commands using the game UI to do things like attack a target, defend you or reform the flight, but they are not very effective at any of these tasks. If they could really read my mind they would cry themselves to sleep each night because I hate them so much. Plan on fulfilling most of the mission objectives yourself since your help is not adequate to the task. The missions themselves are a fairly standard mix of destroy these objectives and protect those objectives.

Dark Horizon has a tremendous amount of voice acting as much of the story arc is delivered through in-flight chatter and in the mission briefings. For the most part the acting is well done although it is very dramatic. It’s never “kill them” when it could be “separate their bodies from their souls” kind of dialog. The music is inoffensive and atmospheric. Some of the non-human characters like the hanger chief can get annoying but that is the exception to the rule. The game manual is also well done with additional back story and information on the galaxy and your place in it. However, the keyboard controls listed in the manual differed in some instances from those actually used in the game. The controls taught in the tutorial mode are the correct ones to use.




I was glad to see the Dark Horizon does include a tutorial mode where you can learn the basics of flight and combat. Although, it appears to be an afterthought since the in-flight briefing for the tutorial were often incomplete. For example I found out I was in combat only after wondering why my shields and armor were being depleted. The actual mission briefings are generally much clearer.


While the game is not inspiring it is definitely enjoyable, especially in short bursts. The game will automatically save itself for you between each mission in a given episode which allows you to leave the game and come back without having to replay the entire episode but just jump right into the combat. The biggest drawbacks were the control scheme and the bugs. Anyone looking for a straight forward space arcade game will enjoy this as long as you aren’t set on using your joystick. The game shows that it can be really fun but I can’t recommend it without reservation as it was released. Save your money until a patch addresses some of the stability issues that I experienced. If you do get it now the excellent auto save feature least you don’t have to replay large segments of the game.


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