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http://www.gamersky.com 游民星空
发布日期  2010年02月17日
/*内容为空 */
资源类型  升级补丁
文件大小  170.00 MB
推介等级  ★★★★
运行系统  XP/Vista/Win7
游戏语言  英文
关 注 度  



《生化奇兵2》BioShock 2 v1.001升级档

Download Details
Today we released a patch for BioShock 2 on the PC for issues that we uncovered
between the title’s production and launch. Unfortunately, this patch is causing
errors in the Multiplayer portion of the game where holding down the mouse
button does not register in game. We are already working on a fix to this
problem and I will update you with more details as soon as I have them. The full
patch list is available here for your reference (minus any potential spoilers.)
Our work to fix other issues (including our widescreen fix) is still ongoing and
they will be coming shortly. As always, I’ll be posting here whenever I have an
update for you.

- Fixed accepting a game invite on the Multiplayer Menu via Friend Invite
causing a crash.
- Fixed a black screen that would occur minimizing and restoring the game in
Windows 7.
- Fixed the ability to adopt or harvest Little Sisters after rebinding the ‘F’
or ‘B’ keys to Zoom, Fire or Fire Plasmid.
- Fixed Big Daddy HUD elements remaining on screen when not appropriate.
- Fixed an issue where the player’s plasmid hand would become unresponsive if
they pressed the Next Plasmid key immediately after firing any chargeable
plasmid (such as ElectroBolt 2).
- Fixed a potential save file issue.
- Fixed an issue where the resolution would change on its own if entering
gameplay in a 16:10 resolution on a native 16:10 monitor.
- Fixed a problem where if you were running the game in a resolution higher
than your desktop resolution the mouse cursor wouldn’t be able to go across the
whole screen.
- Fixed an issue in Windows 7 where certain Radio messages could become
scrambled or broken after defeating a Big Sister if Voice audio had been turned
down or muted previously.
- Fixed a crash while playing Dionysus Park on a 32-bit machine.
- Fixed a crash that would occur sometimes loading a previous manual save made
before any present QuickSave.
- Fixed a crash while signing in to GFWL when running compatibility mode for XP
SP2 while running Vista.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t play audio diaries in certain areas.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur any time before a specific Big Sister



  • 【相关问题】
  • 游戏名称:
  • 游戏制作:
    2K Marin
  • 游戏发行:
    2K Games
  • 游戏平台:
  • 上市时间:
特色属性:科幻 电子竞技 
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