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战锤40K战争黎明之灵魂风暴: 战斗修女全兵种中英图文对照资料集

2008-03-09 19:15:21 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿



修道院老院长 (Veteran Superior)
Rockets, Missiles and Bolts“Rocket-powered missiles are known as rockets if they lack post-launch guidance or missiles or guided missiles if they are able to continue tracking a target after launch. Cruise missiles typically use some form of jet engine for propulsion.”
The Third Form:A bolt is not a missile as it will not track post-launch (unless using a long range sniper round that tracks a laser dot – but that’s an exception) neither is it a simple rocket either. A Bolt is a third form, a rocket that is pre-launch mode programmable.
ConstructionBolts are self propelled rockets and come with mode programmable warheads. In flight stabilization is achieved via spin imparted by three small rocket ports angled in such a way as to rotate the bolt along it's axis.
Programmable At slow speeds (up to 50m) the bolt is in mode one. The bolt detonates as a shaped charge on contact and is effective against heavy armours acting as an RPG (rocket propelled grenade). However they are ineffective against 'electric armours'.
After 50m the bolt has sufficient velocity to cause impact damage through kinetic energy, it then takes on a programmed intent of the firer.
Bolt Modes Mode 1 HEAT round (on contact with hard surface)
Mode 2 Air burst (flechette shrapnel) proximity to target act like a grenade
Mode 3 penetrates massive biomass and explodes.
Mode 4 play dead (mine) proximity fuse active and set to vibration/ movement/ heat/ size 'guess', but they will not explode near Space Marines and are ineffective against chaos marines.
Mode 5 slow burn and low impact (stuns) acts as ‘rubber bullet'.
Mode 6 Delay fuse (grenade)

所以...Heavy Bolter 我也就搞了个满奇怪的名字 重型脱壳火箭弹发射器


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