处理 SSI 文件时出错
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发布时间: [2008-3-19]  游民星空 http://www.gamersky.com

- Resistance Auras: It is no longer possible for two Paladins in the same party to make it appear that players have two of the same resistance aura active.

- 正义防护:此技能现在可以一直释放于友方NPC了。
- Righteous Defense: This spell will now always be castable on friendly npcs.

- 血之圣印:圣骑士开启此技能不再会造成法术延迟(由于受到伤害造成的施法时间延长)了。
- Seal of Blood: This ability will no longer cause spell pushback for the Paladin with this seal active.

- 神圣震击:此技能的治疗效果,伤害和法力消耗都有增加。
- Holy Shock: The healing, damage, and mana cost of this spell have all been increased.

- 超度亡灵(等级3): 此法术现在被重新制作,并被重命名为“驱魔术”。现在它除了能作用于亡灵外还能作用于恶魔。“驱魔术”现在受到收益递减的影响,在PvP中持续10秒。
- Turn Undead(Rank 3):This spell has been reworked and has been renamed to “Turn Evil”. It will now work on Demons in addition to Undead. Turn Evil is subject to diminishing returns, and lasts 10 seconds in PvP.

- “防护恐惧结界”现在可以在暗影形态下使用。
- Fear Ward is now usable while in Shadow form.

- 心灵专注:现在可以影响“责罚”。同时,“星辰碎片”不再消耗“心灵专注”。
- Inner Focus: Chastise now benefits from Inner Focus. In addition, Starshards no longer consumes Inner Focus.

- “群体驱散”现在影响最多10个目标(原来是5个)。
- Mass Dispel now affects a maximum of 10 targets, increased from 5.

- Chastise no longer disorients the target, but now is instant cast and roots the target for 2 seconds.

- “专注意志”现在降低伤害2%/3%/4%(原来是1%/3%/5%)。

- Focused Will now reduces damage by 2/3/4%, down from 1/3/5%.

- 能量灌注:向目标灌注能量,提高他的施法速度20%,并减少他施法的法力消耗20%,持续15秒。
- Power Infusion now reduce the mana cost of all spells by -20%. (Infuses the target with power, increasing spell casting speed by 20% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by -20%. Lasts 15 seconds.)

- “法力燃烧”的提示修改,“吸取”变成了“减少”。(减少目标的法力1021~1079点。目标每减少1点法力,会对他造成0.5点暗影伤害。)
* Mana burns tooltip has been changed to change "Drains" into "Destroys". (Destroy 1021 to 1079 mana from a target. For each mana drained in this way, the target takes 0.5 Shadow damage.)

- 无声消退:此天赋现在影响“圣光涌动”,“能量灌注”,“灵感”,“精神分流”,“晕厥”,“漂浮术”,“束缚亡灵”,“虚弱之触”,“虚弱妖术”,“希望符记”。
- Silent Resolve:This talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope.

- 在潜行状态下使用而不会打破“潜行”的技能现在也可以在消失状态下使用而不打破“消失”。
- Abilities that can be used while stealthed, without breaking stealth, can now be cast without breaking Vanish when used at the same time.

- “强化背刺”现在改名为“刺伤”,它增加“背刺”的致命一击率10/20/30%,同时增加“毁伤”的致命一击率5/10/15%。
- Improved Backstab is now called Puncturing Wounds.
- Puncturing Wounds increases your critical strike chance with Backstab by 10/20/30%, and the critical strike chance with your Mutilate ability by 5/10/15%.

- “强化疾跑”:此技能现在总是可以移除“纠缠根须”。
- Improved Sprint: This ability will now always remove Entangling Roots.

- “闷棍”的攻击类型由“瘫痪”改为“闷棍”,因此一些之前免疫闷棍的人形怪现在可以被闷棍了(但依然免疫“凿击”)。
- Sap mechanic changed from “Incapacitate” to “Sap”. This will allow more humanoids that were previously immune to Sap to be vulnerable to Sap, but still immune to Gouge. Note that anything that removed Sap previously will still remove Sap after the change.
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处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错