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2008-01-25 15:06:45 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿




Having made the arrangement with Talisac to provide them with a creature,the three Generals -

Bogoto,Urbano and Montefalco - returned to
Military Headquarters and waited.Bogoto was the most anxious of the three.He'd seen his share

of battle scenes; bodies blown to pieces,the
stink of burning hair and bone in the air: but the grotesqueries of Talisac's laboratory had

left him sickened and nervous.





He decided to do what he often did when his life became difficult: he drove across the city in

the night to seek the comfort of a woman called Greta Sabatier,a reader of fortunes.Though he

would have been appalled if he'd thought any of his fellow Generals knew it,Sabatier's advice

had been behind much of what Bogoto had done over the years: who he'd favoured amongst his

subordinates,and who he'd demoted; even,on occasion,how he'd run some of his military

campaigns.And as events in Primordium had steadily become more crazed,Bogoto had come to rely

more and more upon Sabatier's wisdom.Her cards,he had come to believe,carried vital clues to

his fate.In a world where madness was constantly in the air,and nothing and no one could be

trusted,it made a paradoxical sense to seek illumination from a woman who read the future from

a pack of dirty cards.


"You've seen somebody powerful," Greta told him that night,tapping one of the cards she'd just

turned over."I can't tell if it's a man卭r a woman."


Bogoto pictured Talisac,hanging up from his hooks,with that vile womb of his hanging down

between his legs.Sabatier was studying his face.

"You know this person I'm talking about?"

"Well then you don't need any warning from me.He,or she - which is it?"


"Well he has friends卆llies卛t's hard to be sure exactly who or what they are卼he cards are very

ambiguous.But there's harm from this
source,whatever it is."

"Harm to the world." "Huh."

"That matters less to you,yes?"

"Of course.Do you think I should consider leaving the city?"


"Well厃ou're a military man.It's not the first time I've seen death in your cards,General."
This was the first time Greta had ever made mention of the General's profession.Whether she

knew it from the cards or from the broadsheets in which he was regularly eulogized was anybody's

"But I don't think I ever saw it so near to you," she went on,looking at the cards.

"I see."

"So yes,I think you should consider leaving.At least until this unsettled period is over


"So it's not just the cards,it's the stars too?"

"They're all reflections of one another: cards,stars,palms.It's the same story wherever you



She sorted through the cards as she spoke,and now dropped one down on the table in front of

General Bogoto.It was called The Tower,and it
represented - in a simplified,even crude,form,a tower struck by lightning.Its upper half was

erupting,raining down rubble,and bodies; the lower half was cracked and ready to explode.

"This is Primordium?" Bogoto asked.

"It's the city's future," Greta replied,nodding."Or at least one of them."


"So will you be leaving too?" Bogoto said,thinking to catch the woman out.Greta was as old as

the antiquated table she read her cards upon
and her legs were a good deal less reliable.She'd never leave Primordium; or so he thought.

"Yes,I'm leaving.This will be the last time you see me,General,unless you should come to


"You're moving to Calyx?"

"Tomorrow.Before things get any worse."

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