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2008-01-25 15:06:45 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿



The house on Diamanda Street,which once belonged to the murdered Senator,had gathered itself

quite a reputation of late.
There were lovers there,it was rumoured; several of them.Night and day,passers by heard the

sound of lovemaking: the sighs,the sobs,the
irresistible demands.




The houses nearby were all virtually deserted,their owners having fled Primordium for safer

cities; or better still,for the country.Life on a pigfarm might be boring,but at least it had

a chance of being long.Nevertheless people came to Diamanda Street of late,simply to hear the

noise of pleasure out of the lamp-lit home.No,not just to hear.There was a feeling about the

place,which got under people's skin.The energy seeping out from open windows,was enough to

make the fireflies assemble in their many tens of thousands each dusk and describe elaborate

arabesques in their pursuit of one another,the air so thick with their passion,and their light

so insistent,that the house was festooned with their flight paths,which lingered long after

the deed was done and the insects lay exhausted and extinguished in the long grass.


Sometimes the human voyeurs,who lingered in the shadows of the nearby houses,hoping to catch a

glimpse of the lovers,were granted what
they were here to see.As the strange force of the lover's din suggested,they were not natural

creatures,not by any means.


They seemed to be hybrids; one third human,one third metallic,one third the no man's land

between flesh and devices made to strip it and slash it and scour it.

They bled as they rose from their nuptial sheets; but smiled,kissing one another's wounds as

though they were inconsequential,as though
these flaps and sores and gougings were proof of devotion.



Word got round,quickly enough.It didn't take long for the General Montefalco to hear about the

house on Diamanda Street,and the reputation it had got for itself.He went to the location,

late one night.Things were in full swing: the air filled with weaving lights,the houses

moaning and shaking.Then shrieks of terrible joy out of the fire-lit interior and shadows on

the blinds,moving from room to room as the momentum of the lovers' passion carried them around

the house.




Montefalco had never seen,heard or felt anything like it before.A wave of something like

superstition passed through his body,weakening his bowels and making his hair,which was a

quarter inch from widow's peak to nape,stand on end.He started to retreat from the house,

clammy-palmed.As he did so he heard a voice behind him.He turned.It was Urbano.He looked

like a man who had just discovered some truly terrible thing about himself,or God,or

both."These we kill," Montefalco said,very calmly.


General Urbano began to nod,but the motion was too much for his sickened system.He puked a

yellowish puke,which spattered his immaculately polished boots.He took out a handkerchief and

wiped his mouth; then he said: "Yes."


"Yes.These we kill."

Later that night,Montefalco went back to see Talisac.He went alone,which turned out to be a

wise move.Neither Urbano nor Bogoto had the
guts for what awaited him there.




The place had deteriorated considerably in the forty-eight hours since he'd last stepped over

the threshold; the bodies were still everywhere,but they were in a new condition.It looked as

though all the moisture,all the energy,had been [****]ed out of them,leaving them withered.The

eyes had gone from the sockets and the lips had been drawn back from the teeth,giving them all

the look of blind,squealing monkeys.The flesh on their torsos had withered to bones; as had

the meat on their arms and legs.The skin itself was now like a thin layer of dried tissue,

covering the structure of the bone.When the dwarf Camille appeared to greet Montefalco,and

kicked a couple of the corpses aside,they rolled away from her kick like so many paper


"Is it done?" Montefalco asked her.

"Oh yes,it's done," Camille said with a twinkling smile,"and I think you're going to be very


A voice emerged from the shadows,speaking words Montefalco could not comprehend.

"He's asking me to unveil it," Camille said.


The General scanned the dirt-walled room,looking for what 'it' might be; and there at the end

of the chamber he saw a monumental form,covered with a threadbare tapestry obviously brought

down from the floor above.


"That?" he said,not waiting for confirmation before approaching it.As he strode through the

bodies,they cracked beneath his heels,erupting into dust and fragments.Soon the room was

filled with spiraling bits of pale human stuff.

Montefalco grabbed hold of the tapestry.As he did so,Camille named the thing - "VENAL


The General pulled the tapestry off and revealed it.



As might have been guessed from its scale beneath the carpet,it was of heroic size,nine feet

or more.It had death's face,and was equipped
with a variety of medieval murder weapons.There were nails crudely hammered into its shoulder

and leg.Blood had coagulated around the
nails,but when Anatomica began to move (as now it did) fresh blood bubbled up from the wounds

and ran down its body.

"Does it know me?" the General asked.


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