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2008-12-08 00:07:41 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 我要投稿

* The Online section will minimize Grand Theft Auto IV and will take you directly to the Rockstar Games Social Club TV website using your default web browser. There you can view clips others have uploaded as well as rate clips and comment on them.
* 在线区(Online section)会将GTA IV最小化,直接用默认浏览器进入Rockstar Games Social Club TV网站。在这里可以观看其他人上传的片段,可以评分,评论。

* PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV includes a maximum of 32-player online multiplayer matches
* PC版支持最多32人的多人游戏。

* New Multiplayer Clothes added to increase your choices.
* 增加了多人游戏的服装。

Custom Soundtrack

* This can be used as a simple track player or - if you give the chance for the game to have a little think before playing - turned into a full radio station, complete with news bulletins and DJs insulting your choice in music.
* 可以单纯的只播放音轨,或者让它成为一个真正的电台——中间夹杂广告以及DJ对你选择的这些音乐的胡言乱语。

* Players will be able to custom build a soundtrack for their creations by selecting music from the existing list of radio stations in GTA IV. You can even add add text to playback at any point along the Time Bar and the editor has supplied a variety of fonts, colors, and sizes for this feature.
* 玩家可以通过选择电台已有的音乐来组合创建自己的音轨。甚至可以在时间轴上增加文本,编辑器提供了很多不同的字体,颜色和字号。(PizzaNicky注:做卡拉OK?)

Video Editor

* Access the editor from Niko's phone. Save hundreds of clips and chain multiple clips together before merging them into one fluid production.
* 通过Niko的手机进入编辑器。可以保存上百个片段,连接多个片段,然后组合成一个视频。

* Clips can be saved and edited, using a variety of tools such as video filters and switching camera angles.
* 片段可以存储编辑,编辑器提供了很多工具,例如视频滤镜,角度变换等。

* At any time during the game (single or multiplayer), press the F2 key to dump a chunk of footage to your hard drive. Depending on how data intensive things are in the world at that time, the clip should be about 30 to 40 seconds long. Captured footage will be the action that occurs PRIOR to pressing F2. Note that if you have a slower machine, you also have the option to turn off this feature altogether.
* 在游戏的任何时候(单人或多人),按F2会在硬盘上生成一个30到40秒长的片段,记录的是按F2之前的部分。注意,如果机器性能不佳,可以关闭这个选项。

* All the raw footage you've captured in-game can be viewed quickly in the Clips section. There are standard DVD style controls for video playback. In addition, you can hold down the right mouse button to move the camera and view your clip from alternate angles and then update your clip thumbnail making it easy to organize your clips.
* 所有在游戏中捕捉的原始视频都可以在Clips区中迅速观看,进行标准的DVD风格的回放。另外,可以按住鼠标右键移动视角,从不同角度观看你的片段,然后可以根据新的视角更新片段的缩略图,以方便管理片段。

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