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龙腾世纪:审判 全人物背景故事介绍图文一览 中英对照

2014-12-26 16:40:53 来源:龙腾世纪吧 作者:冬眠的杯具 我要投稿

第6页:瓦里克(Varric Tethras)


瓦里克(Varric Tethras)

  瓦叔一部分是敢于冒险的游侠,一部分是流行的故事家,而第三部分则是麻烦。在地表长大的他对自己地下的同胞们没什么感情一一^他所有的合约都是和商人协会(Merchants Guild)的矮人签订的,尽管他对这些人的生活体系毫无兴趣。尽管如此,作为一个外来者,他还是找到了自己的位置,既和富裕的上层任务也和最危险的恶棍打交道。听他自己讲,这就是他所在意的一切,然而所有真正了解他的人都不这么认为。他们说,尽管他试着远离冲突,瓦叔已经一点点被卷入了影响整个世界的纷争中去了一一那些他不能简单用一个故事就让自己远离的纷争。

  Varric Tethras is one part adventurous rogue, one part dashing storyteller, and three parts trouble. Born on the surface, Varric has little love for his underground brethren—all his contacts lie with the dwarves of the Merchants Guild, though he has little taste for their schemes. Still, he has found a place as an outsider, rubbing shoulders with both the wealthy elite as well as the worst of scoundrels. To hear him tell of it, thatsall he truly cares about, though anyone who truly knows him claims differently. They say that, try as he might, Varric has been drawn more and more into conflicts that shake the world—ones that he can'tget himself out of with a quick tale.



  Mary Kirby:还记得在龙腾世纪2里卡珊德拉审问瓦里克的情形吗?记得当时卡珊德拉正和蕾莉安娜还有一群穿着有眼睛标志衣服的人一起工作吗?


  MK:那就是刚有雏形的审判庭。崇高圣母Justinia V有一些疑问,而瓦里克就是有所有答案的那个人。






  MK:记住,这是一个认为伤痛海岸(Wouned Coast)非常不舒服的人。只有讽刺和荒野的故事让他能度过这种折磨。






  MK:这一次我创作了我在整个龙腾世纪系列里最喜欢的场景。它也许涉及到了邪恶的恩惠这个游戏(Wicked Grace伊萨贝拉在Dao里和主角玩的纸牌游戏。




  MK:他还是对那个"捅书审判〃(book-stabbing interrogation指卡姐在DA2开场拿匕首捅书吓唬瓦里克的场景)有点不爽。

  [DRAGON AGE]: Varric is back! That's the good news, but what kind of trouble has he gotten himself into this time?

  [MARY KIRBY]: Remember in Dragon Age II how Varric was being interrogated by Cassandra, who was working with Leliana and a large number of folks wearing eyeball symbols?

  [DA]: Of course.

  [MK]: That was the fledgling Inquisition. Divine Justinia V had questions, and Varric was the guy with all the answers.

  [DA]: Ah, so his reputation preceded him. Do you think he's starting to regret that?

  [MK]: Well, in Inquisition, he's still answering a lot of pointed questions. If he hadn't already figured this out at the start of his meeting with Cassandra, he's definitely finding out now that sometimes it's not so good to be the guy connected to every part of the story.

  [DA]: After all that Varric has endured—being betrayed by his brother and interrogated by Cassandra spring to mind—are things finally starting to look up for the poor guy?

  [MK]: In Inquisition, things are definitely worse for Varric in just about every possible way. He's hundreds of miles from home. Not a friend in sight. And the things that are happening around him are apocalyptic.

  [DA]: Varric just can't seem to catch a break.

  [MK]: Remember, this was the guy who found the Wounded Coast too far out of his comfort zone. Snark and wild stories are all that's going to get him through this ordeal.

  [DA]: Varric's trademark charm is probably his most visible quality, but what would we see if we dug a little deeper?

  [MK]: Thedas knows him primarily as a storyteller, but Varric is first and foremost extremely loyal. He tells stories to rewrite events he's lived through and make them less senseless, the people in them more inspirational, and to drag some meaning out of the mess that surrounds people he cares about. It doesn't always work. But at least he's turned Cassandra into a Hawke fan. That's something.

  [DA]: He seems to have a way with words that keeps him out of unnecessary altercations.

  [MK]: Varric would always prefer to talk his way out of trouble. He isn't as enthusiastic about leaping into battle as Cassandra or the Iron Bull. But he's completely confident in Bianca and her ability to get him out of any fight in one piece, and he's always willing to show off. He loves an audience, and he especially loves making everyone around him envious of Bianca.

  [DA]: Since this is your second go-around as Varric's writer, is there anything that you're particularly pleased to have written for him?

  [MK]: I got to write my favorite scene of the entire Dragon Age series this time. It may involve a game of Wicked Grace. I won't spoil it.

  [DA]: Varric is one of the more popular characters among the Dragon Age community. He's a pretty easy guy to get along with, but how does he fare with his new travel companions in Inquisition?

  [MK]: Varric will at least try to get along with most people in the

  Inquisition. People who are not Cassandra, anyway. [DA]: Oh?

  [MK]: He's still kind of bitter about that whole "book-stabbing interrogation" incident.



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