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2015-01-09 12:31:17 来源:龙腾世纪吧 作者:薄荷含片 我要投稿




  Dorian: Where did you get all those arrows, Sera? You've got hundreds.
  Sera: From your arse!
  Dorian: Well my arse should open up a shop! Apparently it's quite prolific.

  Dorian: Indulge me, Sera. What do you think of when I say "demon?"
  Sera: Arrows.
  Dorian: Fine. "Magister?"
  Sera: Arrows.
  Dorian: Not helpful. But given our history, I'll accept it. "Thaumaturgy?"
  Sera: What?
  Dorian: Magical endeavors. Helpful wonders.
  Sera: Ohhh. Arrows.
  Dorian: (Sighs.)

  Dorian: I can't believe you're scared of magic, Sera. It's a gift as mundane to me as your bow to you. Surely you see there's nothing to fear in a properly used tool?
  Sera: Tell that to all the "proper" mages wavin' their tools in peoples' faces.
  Dorian: There's an image.
  Sera: What about Coryphemus? How many "proper tools" does he have under him?
  Varric: (if in party) Not hardly enough, if you ask me.
  Sera: And the rebel mages? How many "proper tools" have they raised?
  Dorian: That's not-- I don't think I can continue.
  Sera: Right, well, I don't care how gifted you are. Don't cram it where it's not wanted.
  Vivienne: (if in party) Maker, how does she not know?
  Blackwall: (if in party) (Laughs)
  Cole: (if in party) I'm lost.

  Sera: What, Dorian? Stop looking at me.
  Dorian: I'm wondering if familiarity would cure your suspicion of magic.
  Sera: I don't need to be familiar with your tool.
  Dorian: Please stop saying "tool," and consider how much magic can accomplish. There are benefits for you and everyone; as the Maker said, "magic exists to serve."
  Sera: I don't care. I like you, Dorian. Don't ruin it.

  Sera: Your Magisters. They all like Corphy-face?
  Dorian: Not quite. Corypheus is one-of-a-kind. An original darkspawn, it turns out.
  Sera: I mean, are the all crazy? Wanting to be gods? "Muahahaha!" like that?
  Dorian: Oh, that. Not all of them, but enough.
  Sera: And you let them live? Why?
  Dorian: There's always more where they come from. Men like Corypheus aren't born, they're made.

  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)
  Sera: You and the Inquisitor, hey? What is that like? Jousting?
  Dorian: Fewer horses, marginally. More cheering, definitely.
  Sera: (Laughs) Nice.

  Sera: You don't laugh like a Tevinter.
  Dorian: How is a Tevinter supposed to laugh, exactly?
  Sera: Cruel and stupid, like... (cackles.)
  Dorian: Oh no. You're not allowed to laugh like that until you get your magister license.
  Sera: Knew it! Varric owes me a sovereign.

  (If Inquisitor is not in a romance with Iron Bull or Dorian)
  Sera: (laughs)
  Dorian: Something particularly funny?
  Sera: You. And Bull. (laughs)
  Dorian: I-I'm glad it amuses you, but what I get from my affairs is my affair.
  Sera: I know what you get.
  Sera: It's like falling through a tree into custard.
  Sera: Too high! Wham! Too fast! Wham! Leaves! Wham! Splat!
  Dorian: I'm not sure which is worse, the mockery or the accuracy.
  Iron Bull: (if in party) Eh, depends how much rest the trees had.
  Cole: (if in party)Leaves.
  Varric: (if in party) Leaves?

  (If Inquisitor is in a romance with Sera)
  Dorian: I see you're having fun with your illustrious paramour.
  Sera: What? Is it showing?
  Dorian: (if Inquisitor is a mage) No! Ugh, no! I meant you appear to be enjoying your new relationship.
  Dorian: You couldn't ask for a more personal introduction to magic.
  Sera: She's different, so it doesn't matter.
  Dorian: It's that simple?
  Sera: Could be. Why not?
  Dorian: (if Inquisitor is not a mage) I meant you appear to be enjoying your new relationship.
  Sera: Then why didn't you say that?
  Dorian: I did, in words you apparently don't understand.
  Sera: What's the point of words you know, but others don't? Who would you say them to?
  Dorian: Let me do us both a favor and retract the question.
  Sera: Pity, because we're great. That's why I'm following her around with weirdies.

  Sera: Demons! Flappy robes!
  Dorian: Thieves! Dog stink!
  Sera: Culty shits!
  Dorian: Treacherous teyrns!
  Sera: What? It's not a proper game of 'Your people are shit' if you make up words!
  Dorian: Teyrn is a Fereldan title, beneath only the family of the king. I'd have expected you of all people to know that.
  Sera: You're...well, that's...Smartasses!
  Dorian: Too late! I believe that's my round.
  Sera: Piss!

  Dorian: I can't figure you out, Sera.
  Sera: That's a surprise, innit?
  Dorian: You just picked up a bow one day, and poof! Expert marksman! A veritable savant!
  Sera: A what?
  Dorian: A savant. A natural. Meaning you needed no training.
  Sera: Not your business if I do or didn't. Like I don't ask if you "naturally" shoot fireballs out your arse, or just opinions.
  Dorian: I'll... keep that in mind.



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