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2018-07-13 17:46:49 来源:方舟生存进化吧 作者:小白狼125 我要投稿







  Bloody hell,this place is weird. Don't get me wrong, it's fascinating too. Such anabundance of underground flora is completely unheard of, and because so many ofthe plants here are bioluminescent, the whole forest has an eery beauty to it.

  That's just it though - eery is the operative word. I've been holding my rifleso tightly since we got here that I swear I've left dents in the grip.

  We should have gone back to the Island. People know us there, they might havepreferred help and supplies. Rockwell didn't want to hear it though, and Iwasn't about to let him come here alone.





  "You can'tsurprise me anymore, life," I said. "After wyverns, golems and giantsand worms, I'm ready for anything."

  "What about flying squid-bat-murder-monsters?" life replied.

  "Well, that is mildly surprising," I conceded.

  By which I mean, I shot and cursed at those things all afternoon. At least,when I wasn't running from them. Thankfully after thinning their numbers alittle, they decided that Rockwell and I weren't worth the trouble. Let's hopethey don't change their minds. I'm not sure I have enough ammunition left tofend them off again.

  And yes, I know that FSBMM isn't the most scientific of monikers, but I'mbloody upset with them right now so that's what I'm calling them...along withsome other names I'd rather not write down.







  While I can't sayI'm enamored with this station's wildlife, I'm certainly grateful for itsabundance of natural resources, particularly water. The permeability of therocks here is astounding. The cavern walls are wet with condensation, and thefloor is littered with pools of water.

  After all that time in the desert, this is one change I can welcome with openarms! Thank God for hydration!

  I don't mean that just for my own sake, either. Rockwell seems...distracted.The other day, I had to keep him from walking headlong into a poisonousmushroom. He wouldn't fare well in a harsher environment. Then again, at hisage, I'm sure I'd lose a step too.





  There's nomistaking it. That was a giant, armored mole rat. Thankfully it wasn'taggressive, so I was able to get a good look at it.

  Its appearance made me realize something that I'd taken for granted. Everycreature I've encountered has some basis on either a known species, or humanlegend. Golems and wyverns never existed on Earth, but humans did write storiesabout them. Even the FSBMMs (still cross with them) appear to be a pastiche ofknown fauna.

  What does that mean? Are the curators of these stations human, do they merelypossess extensive knowledge of humans or am I grasping at straws? I can't say,but it's worth pondering.





  The FSBMMsreturned, and I was right - I didn't have the firepower to fight them. Luckilysomeone else did.

  It was incredible! I've never seen a human move that fast. One second, I'm adead woman, and the next there's someone in glowing, silver armor tearingthrough those creatures like they were dodos. One got punched so hard itskipped off the cavern floor!

  As if a superhuman savior wasn't shocking enough, when they lifted their visor,I found a familiar face. It was Mei-Yin! It took me a good minute to form asentence after that. I must have looked like a complete dipstick, because Iswear, she almost laughed.

  At least I'm a living dipstick, and with her around, I just might stay thatway.






  What's thesaying? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? On the Island, I wasn't sure whereI stood with Mei Yin, but now we've been catching up like best mates. Sheapologized for socking me in the face, I learned how she arrived here and thatshe got her new scar while battling Nerva to the death... you know. Best matethings.

  She also introduced us to some of her new allies at her camp, and here's whereit gets loony - they're from the future! Well, my future, anyway.

  It all fits, doesn't it? I never met anyone from my future before, but Mei Yinand Rockwell are from my past and the technology here is beyond anything frommy present. Clearly the current year is far beyond 2008, but by how much?





  The journey tothe village was a bit tricky. Since Rockwell and I lack the high-tech armor theothers wear, they had to help us along with rope ladders and zip-lines.

  We made it eventually though, and it's quite the sight. The technology thistribe uses is incredible, although Rockwell was far more intrigued by it than Iwas. Mei Yin's friend, Diana, gave us the grand tour and he pelted her withquestions the whole time.

  Fortunately, Diana just smiled and answered his questions patiently. Apparentlyshe was a pilot in her own time, which is the same era her fellow villagers arefrom. That there are so many people from one time period on one station seemsunusual. I wonder what it means?





  I have toconvince them to stop! There's no way the station will allow this.

  "This place would never allow anyone to master it."

  If it weren't for Raia's warning, I'd be ecstatic about what they werecreating. A gateway that can help us escape the station and reach the planetbelow? It's brilliant, but the obelisks will kill everyone here before we cancomplete it, just like they destroyed the village Raia told me about. I'm sureof it.

  Bloody hell, I'm going to look like an absolute madwoman. I've barely settledin here and I'm already coming to them with doomsday prophecies. I'll need toconvince Mei Yin and Diana first. They're my best bet.






  The tribe'sleadership was surprisingly receptive to my ideas, but still a bit skeptical.Apparently they've already fiddled with one of the obelisks, and even damagedthis station's control center. So while they believe my account of whathappened in the desert, they think the threat is already contained. ThankfullyDiana convinced them to lend me a small team to inspect the obelisk, just incase. Better than nothing, at least.

  However, on this station, getting to an obelisk is something of a risky proposition.To reach them, we'll need to make a trip to the surface, which even Mei Yinsays is dangerous. That means before I go, I'll need to get a crash course onthat armor.




  My time in thedesert may have given me some skill with firearms and helped me get fit -despite failing to give me washboard abs much to my chagrin - but I'm still nosoldier. That was evident to anyone who saw me flailing around in the trainingyard these past few days.

  If it weren't for Mei Yin and Diana, I'd still be crashing my TEK Armor intorocks or tripping over myself like a drunken dodo. Plus, I always feel lesssilly when there's someone to laugh at my mistakes along with me.

  Fortunately Mei Yin will be accompanying me to the obelisks, so this wholething won't rest in my unsteady, armored hands. Thank God!






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