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2015-09-02 19:14:11 来源:TGBUS 作者:魔神,领域 我要投稿

第35页:经典歌词-Can’tsay goodbye to yesterday


Can’tsay goodbye to yesterday


  I stareat the stars and the sky up above 我凝望天空,把繁星细数

  And think what am I made of 然后想,自己究竟为何物?

  Am I full of sorrow, am I hurt and pain 我满怀忧伤,还是充斥着痛苦?

  Or am I filled with love? 又或许,这就是爱呢?

  I walk by myself on the streets below我独自一人走在街头

  And ask every child I know 借问每一个我熟悉的孩童

  Do you think tomorrow will bring sun or rain 明天会是晴天,还是雨天?

  Which one of these will show? 哪一种将会出现?

  I can't say good·bye to Yesterday my friend 我无法向昨日告别啊,我的朋友!

  I keep holding on 'till the end. 我就这样一直到最后

  Out of the darkness, there is no other way 在这无尽的黑暗中,已无其他路可走

  Than the light leading to yesterday. 就让这束光指引我到昨天

  It's there that I'll find inner peace, not war 只有那儿我才能找到,内心的澄净,没有煎熬

  And dreams that I let slip away 还有,我曾任其远去的梦想

  I will find the joyfulness, I'm looking for 也只有在那儿,我会找到我寻觅的欢笑

  Way back in yesterday… 就在前往昨天的路上

  Why can't each of us in the world ever see 为什么世界上的人都不明白

  The best things in life are free? 最美好的事物随手可得?

  Little sounds of laughter, a warm hug, a smile 一点点笑语,一个拥抱,一个笑容

  A kiss from you to me! 一个…你给我的吻…

  I fall to my knees, I cry and I cry 我跪倒在地,我哭了又哭

  Love do not pass me by 爱啊!请不要把我抛弃!

  Happy ever after please stay for a while幸福与快乐,请再多留一会儿吧

  Make time refuse to fly 就让时间也别再流逝

  I can't say good·bye to yesterday my friend 我无法向昨日告别啊,我的朋友!

  'Cause I know how good it has been 因为我所知的美好已成过去

  Facing forever, here I stand come what may 我就站在这里,无论什么都尽管来吧!

  Bring the old, bring the new, yesterday! 任凭那时光流逝,将昨日更替!

  It's there that I'll find inner peace, not war只有那儿我才能找到,内心的澄净,没有煎熬

  And dreams that I let slip away还有,我曾任其远去的梦想

  I'll find the joyfulness I'm looking for也只有在那儿,我会找到我所寻觅的欢笑

  Way back in Yesterday... 就在前往昨天的路上…




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