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上古卷轴5:天际 帝国图书馆资料中文翻译一览

2015-01-12 10:18:25 来源:上古卷轴吧 作者:雪华幽梦 我要投稿

第14页:Arms and Armor of the Falandamil


Arms and Armor of the Falandamil

  Author:  Longinus Attius

  Falandamil, whose full name is apparently too complicated for my quill hand to write, hails from a kinship with a proud — some might say pompous — lineage of artisans. He wears his family's heaviest armor, which has not only bulk, but a form most elegant.

  It took some gentle, purring persuasion on the part of the Khajiiti champion, Zadabal-ra, to convince the aloof, golden-skinned inhabitant of Summerset Isles to arrive at our fighters' feast. But arrive he did, bringing a caravan of gleaming shields, winged helms, and spears dedicated to Phynaster the Guardian. Though we uncultured barbarians of the mainland had to sit through copious waffle regarding our shortfalls in battle, which almost brought the Nord champion to a seething, violent outburst, tempers were soothed with mead and some ferocious combat training, where the soaring and fluid designs of the Altmeri weapons of war—thin and swan necked like their ships

  were finally tested.

  Altmeri armor and weaponry has a sturdy elegance that many others have attempted and failed to achieve. Even the lowliest Altmer has a disdain for iron, steel, or other materials of the common mainlander,  so more exotic ores and minerals are part of the forging process, which can be as convoluted as their patterns of speech. While fanciful materials are common, glass is perhaps

  the most impressive when swords or axes are formed from this collection of resins and volcanic deposits. The results are surprisingly robust, but always alluring in form. Such weaponry is well weighted, a milky green in color, but the blades require constant and careful sharpening.

  The bounty of rare (and mostly crystalline) minerals that Summerset Isles hides beneath its rich soils is used to enhance a variety of beautifully crafted arms. One may swing a lengthy blade embedded with glass details, golden pommel, and stylized eagle wings and heads.

  One might draw the winged bow of a High Elf, while comparing its supple curvature to a maiden's thigh. The Altmer does not hunt wild animals for his grip or trim work, preferring the slaughter of specially bred guar to provide the most pliable of leather for an axe's grip. The result is an astonishing balance of ornate delicateness and sinister sharpness.

  The High Elves favor weapons that match their own countenance: elongated, barbed, and often coated in gold.

  【1】 pompous一词的意思几乎都是负面的,比如浮夸的、自大的、高傲的,但是个人认为在这么一篇文章中似乎不大可能出现如此负面的词汇,所以自作主张译成了“骄傲的”。

  【2】 Phynaster, Hero-god of the Summerset Isles.,夏暮岛的英雄之神。

  【3】 限于个人水平,这次的翻译中有部分内容经过大量加译,或许是我的过度理解所致,这样一来本译文的准确性还有多少我就不敢做十足的保证了。本文仅供给各位作为一个参考,实际内容还是以原文为主。



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